March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

221,000 residents of Petropolis depend on SUS

221,000 residents of Petropolis depend on SUS

At least 70% of the city’s population depends exclusively on SUS. There are 221,000 residents in Petropolis who do not have access to a private network or health plans. The situation has worsened in recent years. In 2018, out of 306 thousand residents of the city, 92 thousand people had health insurance. After nearly four years, that number has dropped to about 85,000. Prior to 2018, more than 44,000 people were no longer able to maintain their health plans and had already migrated into the public system. However, the provision of public health services is not growing to meet all this demand. The city has three UPAs, which “solve” the emergency gate, but basic health remains a challenge to expand, to the point where these emergency units are often required to be “mobile”. The matter was discussed this week in the city council.

red alert

It’s a red alert, almost purple the number of people waiting for exams (10 thousand) and specialized care (15 thousand) by the SUS in Petropolis. They were presented to councilors at the public hearing that assessed the city’s health data from January to April, a meeting required by law. The pent-up demand from the epidemic and also due to the floods in February and March, but also as a result of the lack of system, urgent action is needed to solve the problem. Because what is not treated now, after examinations and consultations with specialists, becomes a chronic disease and increases hospital and emergency expenses. In addition to the social and human nature of course.

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The city government will move to Hipershopping, in Alto da Serra, some public offices such as the Department of Economic Development and Entrepreneur’s Space. It solves two problems: an unsuitable area in the Barão do Rio Branco administrative center (to the point that the secretariat was working in the Rua Teresa fashion center) and makes the mall more hesitant with the potential for business growth.

Tribuna FM is more than your wave too in Baixada Fluminense! group direction platform He made a special visit to the area to honor companies that also connect with their audience through the airwaves. Here, with CEO Francisco de Orleans y Braganca, the Tribuna team: Norberto Melo, Claudia Queiroz and Guilherme Martins, as well as journalist Mario Mascheroni. A fruitful conversation with businessman, Sir Almeida and publicist Daniel Vitorino showed listeners in Baixada and the metropolitan area connected with Tripona FM, which arrived as the best option on the dial at 88.5!

start over

Supporters, good people, let’s explain the pause to unsuspecting candidates–especially those who are going to run for a deputy seat, whether at the state or federal level, for the first time. That vote I had for mayor in 2020 forget it. It can reach zero. It’s a different election with a much more dispersed vote. So, the speech “I have a lot of votes” has no future.

Dodo 2024

Let’s sell at the same price we buy: Councilman Dodo wants to be a candidate for mayor in the upcoming elections.

not this!

We’re excited to have a Powerfest this year, albeit in August. But it will be hell. Since it will be the campaign period, the candidates will be present every day. pat on the back.

An example of perseverance

Mayor Hingo Hammes and Federal Rep. Hugo Lille can yell about the fee adjustment on the BR-040, which changed to R$12.60, and the increase didn’t drop, no. The franchisor is an example of resilience. He spent 20 years doing nothing for Petrópolis and no one (the politicians) succeeded in bringing down the company.

Castro on Teresa Street

Governor Claudio Castro will be in the city today and the agenda includes, as well as participating in the national launch of celebrations for the bicentennial of independence, the start of operations in Bairro Prestant, in Alto da Serra, and the announcement of more business in the city.

Where is the cathedral that was here? Calm down people! It was only dandelions that covered everything yesterday afternoon. Click Joao Vitor Prom for us.

More events

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Finally, they discovered that the exhibition park, in Itaipava, could be used for full-time events. So much so that on the 17th, there will be a winter festival with Thiaguinho and Pedro Sampaio already confirmed as attractions. All that remains is to find out how the city government charges the place “rent” fees and how the money is used to improve the area itself.

Are there slots

Petrópolis has 60 of the 1,200 free distance learning places offered by Senac RJ. Vacancies are offered through the free Senac program to people whose per capita income reaches a minimum wage. Applications must be submitted through the program website by Monday.

Pool at Fazenda Inglesa

The residents of Estrada da Vargem Grande in Fazenda Inglesa asked for help here for us. It is the main access road for residents of the area, visitors who go to Vale do Amor, and even school buses. But there, only half of the street is paved and maintained. The remaining 1.5 kilometers are worth the rally.

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