January 12, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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Government publishes MP with new minimum wage of R,212 as of 2022 |  Policy

Government publishes MP with new minimum wage of R$1,212 as of 2022 | Policy

President Jair Bolsonaro announced on Thursday (30), in a live broadcast on one of the social networks, that The minimum wage will be 1,212 R$ in 2022. The Provisional Procedure (MP) confirming the new value was published in the Friday (31) edition of the Official Gazette (DOU).

According to the columnist g 1 Ana Flor, R$1,212 corresponding to INPC inflation adjustment and re-constitution of the residual value pointing to 2021, with no room for real gains.

at the end of 2020, Bolsonaro set the minimum wage at R$1,100. As of January 1, 2022, the amount will be R$1,212.

“From January 1, the new minimum wage [será de] The president stated during a live broadcast from Santa Catarina, where Bolsonaro is spending a vacation worth R$1,1212.

1,212 Brazilian reals were set in the 2022 budget, Congress approved it on December 21, based on a forecast of 10.18% for INPC. Therefore, Bolsonaro’s announcement confirmed the amount approved by the legislature.

According to information from the Inter-Confederation Department of Statistics and Social and Economic Studies (Dieese), the minimum wage serves as a reference for 50 million people in Brazil, of whom 24 million are beneficiaries of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS).

Impact on public accounts

A big increase in the minimum wage also makes the federal government spend more. This is because Social Security benefits cannot be less than the minimum amount.