October 5, 2024

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The manager explains his reasons for leaving Brazil for America

The manager explains his reasons for leaving Brazil for America

Economist, entrepreneur and investor Bruno Corano, owner of an investment management firm and host of Wall Street Cast, decided to write about the reasons for leaving Brazil, recording live from Times Square in New York, USA. For a successful career abroad.

Check out the article below:

Reasons why I left Brazil and moved to America

I’m Brazilian living in the US. I achieved success outside my country, more precisely in New York, a place where many people dream to live and settle. I built my personal and professional life here, but that doesn’t mean I don’t regret leaving my birthplace.

I miss the people, I identify with our culture, food, climate. But, except perhaps for these three items, I can say with confidence that Brazil unfortunately lags behind in many aspects that affect the lives of each of us. The first and biggest reason I left Brazil was the lack of security.

I’m tired of this ‘security’ of locking ourselves in and criminals going free. Here in America it’s the other way around: criminals are in jail, we’re free.

It is impossible to walk on the street with a watch, laptop, cell phone etc. due to lack of security. It’s equally impossible to stop at a traffic light and not worry about someone approaching. The main reason, therefore, is security – or the lack thereof.

Other factors have a connection: Brazil is not a country with what I would call justice or coherence. When I say fair or coherent, in Brazil, people with success and money are punished.

Successful entrepreneurs, job creators, are often frustrated by the system. For example, I refer to the inspector from countless spheres and disciplines who creates problems to ‘sell’ a solution. Winners attract some sort of negative charge from society.

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This energy is directed towards those with more resources in our culture. In the United States, if the person has done well, they are praised, and there are always questions about the path the entrepreneur has taken, and those who want to learn ask.

I find that this sentiment is not admirable in Brazil. People want to know how to benefit from the success of others. It’s a very adversarial dynamic. People say ‘I didn’t do it because he did it’.

The country lacks competence, logic, balance and justice. Person has cell phone, signal drops; To go on the street, the tire is destroyed due to large holes. The businessman pays all the taxes, however, he is penalized. Especially since the law is so confusing, there are so many clauses and so many interpretations for tax issues.

Brazil has an inefficient justice system. Crime, famously, pays. From then on, things just don’t work out. In America, everyone has equal access. There is balance, justice works for all. We see important people being arrested and jailed.

Billionaire and world famous North American football player O.J. Simpson is a classic example. He spent nine years in prison. Here in America I found peace, security, justice and balance, to cultivate talent, to harvest from society, and to give back good in a virtuous cycle.

In short, everything is very bureaucratic and confusing. This creates a chaotic system that creates a lot of wear and tear. Living in Brazil is like being in a basketball game: you make several passes, reach the corner, alone, shoot for a basket, and suddenly, the referee blows the whistle and says that you caught your hand on the ball. He says – now it’s football. It makes no sense to argue that the rules were changed in the middle of the game. This is Brazil. Very sad and funny at the same time.

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It is important to say that America is not the perfect place. There is no perfect place in the world. For example, if I go to Switzerland or Denmark tomorrow, I will find both good and bad points.

And I make these comments with a genuine desire to see Brazil truly change, even if it takes decades, and I conclude this speech by saying that, unfortunately, I unequivocally want to live here.