March 9, 2025

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A Fazenda 13 poll indicates hesitation between Day and Sthe to vote;  Partial viewing · TV news

A Fazenda 13 poll indicates hesitation between Day and Sthe to vote; Partial viewing · TV news

NS Partial Poll Result from farm 13 It indicates that Thiago Picuelo He has less chance of getting out of confinement on Thursday (11). The citizen appears with 54.29% of the options to stay. actually Diane Melo NS Stefan Matos They are fighting a fierce battle for general preference in voting.

Vote -> Who is staying at The Farm 13: Dayane, Stefane, and Tiago? Vote for the poll

By the questionnaire from the news, the former big brother Italy is the least supported country. She has 18.20% of the choices. On the other hand, Tiktoker has an approval rating of 27.52% of the survey respondents. More than 82,000 votes have been recorded until this text was published.

employment UOL استطلاع Poll, which has more than 35 thousand participants, and the situation is similar: Thiago is also the leader, with 43.90% of the vote; Sthefane comes in at 33.32%, while Dayane comes in with 22.78%.

On social networks, fans of the model who lived in Italy claim that her fans do not take part in surveys on websites and are only for the R7. They are betting that today they will be able to overtake the digital influencer.

Opinion polls only indicate a trend on the part of the public. The result of voting in opinion polls has no scientific value or impact on the official website of the Registry.

Farm vote 13

Gui Araujo won the farmer’s test on Wednesday (10). Tiago Piquilo did not participate in the activity because he was vetoed by an ex-On Vacation with his ex-partner the night before. After the activity, the three Rocheros asked the audience to vote. Watch below:

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