March 14, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Abramovich asked if he would die after poisoning

Abramovich asked if he would die after poisoning

after They showed symptoms of the alleged poisoningRoman Abramovich asked the scientists examining him if he would “die,” according to the New York Times. Chelsea owner Was in Kyiv to participate in peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraineheld in early March.

After interrogation, experts reassured the Russian oligarch and two other episode participants, saying that “the dose and type of poison used is likely insufficient to cause life-threatening harm,” according to the Bellingcat website.

According to the portal, the three men had only eaten chocolate and water in the hours before symptoms appeared. A fourth member of the escorts, who also ate the same food, had no reaction. The reported symptoms were inflammation and pain in the eyes and skin.

Bellingcat added that the investigation indicates that the alleged poisoning was intended more to frighten the victims than to cause permanent harm. Judging by the examinations of experts, it is likely that the symptoms are the result of the use of a non-specific chemical agent.

After the “Wall Street Journal” revealed the incident, Abramovich’s spokesman confirmed the suspicions of poisoning. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Chelsea representative, who He is trying to sell the English club for 20 billion Brazilian riyalsIt was Punished by the UK government.

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