March 9, 2025

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Adriana, Brenda, and Ivy are in the Democratic Republic of the Congo;  Poll · TV news

Adriana, Brenda, and Ivy are in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Poll · TV news

Fifth DR power couple brazil 6 It was formed on Wednesday night (15). Adriana Ribeiro, Albert Bressan, Brenda Paixao, Matthews Sampaio, Ivy Moraes and Fernando Borges (Nandinho) were all in a hot seat. Who would you like to be on the reality show on Record? Vote in the poll at the end of this text.

Adriana and Albert fell into the danger zone after completing the last couples trial. Ivy and Nandinho ended up in the hot seat due to the worst balance of the course.

Before the vote on the headquarters began, Adriane Galisteu asked Karoline Menezes and Mussunzinho, the power couple of the week, to go to the Hall of Power and get two colored balls. Then the two of them went to the certification booth to see the strength of the pellets and pick just one.

“Transfer all votes obtained by one spouse to another,” the counselor read. “Multiply the votes received by the spouses in two,” the actor declared. After speaking to the influencer and singer, Galisteu resumed contact with the other participants, without revealing which ball was chosen by the week’s hotshots.

house vote

With five votes, Brenda and Matthews were the most under attack of the night. However, it remained to find out what power was in the hands of Carol and Mosonzinho. “Double the votes a couple got in two,” the actor announced, targeting Brenda and Matthews. With that, the influencer and her boyfriend ended the vote with 10 votes on the account.

See who voted for whom:

  • Adryana Ribeiro and Albert Bressan Hadballa and Eliza
  • Brenda Picasso and Matthew Sampaio > Hadapala and Elisa
  • Humpla and Elisa Fagundes > Brenda and Matthews
  • Joao Haddad and Luana Andrade > Brenda and Matthews
  • Mosonzinho and Caroline Menezes > Brenda and Matthews
  • Michelle Bassa and Bruno Bassa > Brenda and Matthews
  • Ivy Morris, Fernando Borges, Hadbala and Elisa
  • Father Lanza and Anne Duarte > Brenda and Matthews

Find out everything that happens in reality shows with the podcast O Brasil Tá Vendo

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