March 17, 2025

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Afraid to spend?  Miserliness can be harmful to your health;  See When It’s Abnormal – 11/05/2021

Afraid to spend? Miserliness can be harmful to your health; See When It’s Abnormal – 11/05/2021

Durability, stinginess, unpretentiousness. There are many classifications of people overly attached to money and material possessions. Cartoon characters are good examples, such as Seu Siriguejo, from “Bob Esponja”, and Tio Patinhas. According to Forbes magazine, Donald Duck’s fantastically rich uncle has $65.4 billion, making him the richest person ever. However, however, he keeps his fortune locked and key and as one of the first coins he won in his life remains.

Outside of screens or comics, many people act the same way (not necessarily having the same heritage, but also not living in poverty), out of pity, fear and worry to distract. The bank account may be thick, but inside the house, the furniture is falling apart, the refrigerator is empty or has the worst food in it and the cupboard is full of old clothes and holes. There are those who use even expired products, save crumbs and do without bathing every day.

It has nothing to do with saving on redundant things, putting food on the table, paying off debts that only increase, paying for medical treatment, or investing in a dream, such as owning a home, going to college, or traveling abroad. For the miser, having to buy, replace, rent and fix something is like taking a scorpion out of your pocket. No matter how small the expenses, they will reflect, bargain, look for alternatives and consider it a waste.

Why accept to live in the worst?

In the minds of those who are obsessed with acquiring and accumulating wealth and who suffer from having to use it, even for their own benefit, there are usually psychological and emotional problems. This person may have experienced some trauma for having gone through a major crisis or financial loss, or humiliation and then is afraid to repeat it, or has become so attached to what he struggled to conquer, and even developed his compulsion to supply wants and needs. .

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“Professionals who deal with such cases often encounter patients who have many resources, can enjoy, and consume what is good and better, but who live a life without pleasure, or deprivation, as if it were a necessity,” says psychiatrist Henrique Bottura. Clinical Instituto Psiquiatria Paulista and collaborator at the Impulse Clinic HC-FMUSP (Hospital das Clinicas, Faculdade de Medicina de São Paulo).

However, according to the doctor, those who fit into this situation end up incorporating greed as an easily recognizable personality trait. There is a risk that you will become a very greedy and arrogant individual, having difficulties communicating, helping, caring, supporting, taking risks, trying new things, getting to know each other. The perception is pessimistic or distorted. Therefore, everyone takes care of themselves, failure is a shame, we deserve what we have.

virtual empty pocket;  Running out of money - iStock - iStock

In extreme cases, miser can cheat, steal, lie and apply tricks

Photo: iStock

losing control of money

It becomes a concern when the potential consequences have already materialized, but also when this “lifestyle” threatens the safety of oneself and the safety of others. For example, when a miser thinks that everything is too expensive and suspicious, can make mistakes, unjust and offend, test the sincerity of others and, in extreme cases, default, steal, lie, apply tricks, reduce the risk of possible accidents with you and with third parties .

Money makes the routine a little better, convenient, safe, and fun, which is a good thing. Extremism is not good. This is both on the side of those who spend all they earn and more, and on the side of those who save everything and enjoy nothing. In both, the pain is severe and if it is not controlled, it only increases.” Yuri Bussin, MD, a behavioral neuroscientist, psychologist, and director of Casme (Equilíbrio Center for Mental Health Care), in São Paulo.

Another common point among those who consume too much or keep it is that they always keep an eye on what others have, or how happy and well they are (even if they have a simple life), to compare themselves. As far as the miser is concerned, he does not understand how, being “smart” and “superior” because he collects and can buy what he wants, he still misses on the inside. Therefore, they feed on accumulating and nurturing their purchasing power, but to no avail.

It is not a disease, but it is treatable.

The lack of enjoyment, contentment, sharing, and keeping everything you have in abundance reflects a poor existence in many respects. No one takes their treasures to the tomb, except for the pharaohs who no longer exist. But, in general, it is useless for family, friends and co-workers to try to show this to a miser, because, even if they knew what could happen there, for him it became like that, they are not qualified for it. helps.

They can – and should – not ridicule him, ridicule him in public, pressure him against his will, but talk about the various benefits of psychotherapy, which specialists point out to reverse difficulties, sufferings and losses. In this circumstance, technology can help you understand what a healthy relationship to possessions is and find ways to become more resilient and achieve balance. Treatment with medication can be helpful, but only when there is anxiety, panic, depression.

However, greed, or not spending money, does not define any mental illness or disorder. “There is no data to confirm this, it is neither in the ICD (International Classification of Diseases) nor in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders),” said Lady Batista, a psychologist from Vacoldadi Castro Alves with experience in HC (Da City Hospital) , in Salvador, Bahia. According to her, the closest thing to this is compulsive accumulation disorder, which is associated with people who keep everything and give up nothing.