March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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After BBB22, Linn da Quebrada reveals fans against his brother: ‘I don’t want you to win’

After BBB22, Linn da Quebrada reveals fans against his brother: ‘I don’t want you to win’

You did not lie down! Far from reality, Lin da Quibrada reveals to fans about his brother and regrets nepotism; research

excluded from BBB22, Lyn da Quebrada He gave an honest opinion about his fans after his departure from reality.

In the early hours of Monday (11), she showed her character and said that she did not want Arthur Aguiar to win the reality show.

“I didn’t want to say they didn’t deserve it, but who I don’t want to win that one and a half million… For all you’ve shown here, I’m going against everything again, but I didn’t want Arthur to win you guys. But I feel like you’re going to this Place “, announced during BBB . networkView after deletion.

She also made it clear that, as is already evident, her fans go to Jiseilan. “Didn’t expect this! Surprise, Brazil”I joked when commenting on the dispute.

in conversation, Rafa Kaliman She also wanted to know who she wanted to leave the Paredão that was formed after her departure. “One of the boys, either PA or DG.. but I’d rather say I want girls [Natália e Jessilane] last longer”announced.


the host Thaddeus Schmidt He amazed and astonished the audience with his words to the judiciary Lyn da Quebrada That rocked the BBB22 in the early hours of Monday (11).

Inspiration, he praised the sister’s existence in reality and said she had achieved her greatest achievement: rooting Brazil for “someone like her”.

“You said the other day that you always dreamed that Brazil could support someone like you. Today I ask: Why doesn’t Brazil support someone like you? I think you did it. You are for what you did inside this house, and that’s it. I think you did it”, He said in a stifling voice.

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