March 15, 2025

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After recording more than 200 cases and more than 1,800 outbreaks of dengue mosquitoes, Dive will spray again in Blumenau

After recording more than 200 cases and more than 1,800 outbreaks of dengue mosquitoes, Dive will spray again in Blumenau

From January to Monday, 28, endemic disease agents from the Health Promotion Secretariat (Semus) have already detected about 1,800 outbreaks of larvae of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which transmits dengue, yellow fever, Zika and chikungunya in Blumenau.

The number is much higher than the same period last year, when there were 1,217 recorded outbreaks. So far, the municipality has registered 604 notifications. Of these, 211 have been confirmed, of which six are imported, three are unspecified, and 202 were contracted in Blumenau.

Spraying and Instructions

On Tuesday, 29 and Thursday 31, teams from the State Epidemiological Surveillance Board (Dive) will again carry out automated spraying, in the Escola Agrícola neighborhood, which is focused on 50% of the contamination sites in the municipality.

Secretarial workers make orientation visits in the homes of high concentration areas. In addition, they also do manual spraying with Ultra Low Volume (UBV), better known as a mist, in the neighborhoods of Garcia, Velha Itoupava Norte, Água Verde and Vila Nova. It works daily from 5 am.

Currently, out of the city’s 35 neighborhoods, 17 are considered endemic and are monitored daily. They are: Água Verde, Centro, Do Salto, Escola Agrícola, Garcia, Fortaleza, Itoupavazinha, Itoupava Norte, Itoupava Seca, Jardim Blumenau, Ponta Aguda, Salto do Norte, Tribess, Velha, Velha Central, Vila Nova and Victor Konder.

State Legislation

State Law 18024 of October 2020, establishes rules to prevent the spread of vector-borne diseases – Yellow Fever (Aedes Albopictus) and Dengue (Aedes Aegypti) in the State of Santa Catarina. Residential and commercial property owners may be fined if they are notified and fail to comply with control measures that prevent the spread of mosquitoes.

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The fine imposed on the owners of residential facilities can reach one thousand Brazilian riyals, and it can be doubled in the case of recidivism. In commercial establishments, it is subject to a warning, and may even lead to revocation of the establishment’s operating license.

Cases in Blumenau

This Monday, 28, Blumenau registered 24 people hospitalized at three hospitals in the city. All patients are in the ward with suspected dengue fever, awaiting laboratory examination.

Dengue fever test
Currently, there is no recognized rapid test for diagnosing dengue fever to ensure that the diagnosis is correct. The State Department of Health (SES) requires that diagnostic tests be submitted to the Central Laboratory of Public Health (Lacen).

This also includes the tests performed in the private network that must be collected and sent to Lacen. The ESF teams and general outpatient units have already been mentored.

The user needs to collect a sample of the material at the municipal primary health care unit. The material is sent to Lacen for material analysis and the result is released in about 10 days.

Signs and symptoms
The first manifestation of dengue fever is a rise in temperature (39° to 40°C) from a sudden onset, which lasts from two to seven days, and is associated with headache, weakness, body aches, joints and back. Spots are present on the body in 50% of cases, and they can affect the face, trunk, arms and legs. Loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting may also occur.

People who show symptoms should seek care at ESF or AG units. Seeking care in case of suspicion makes it possible to avoid deterioration of the condition and even its progression to death.

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