March 12, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

All three minors in intensive care, one connected to the ventilator due to Govit-19

All three minors in intensive care, one connected to the ventilator due to Govit-19

The Govt-19 cases in Puerto Rico continue to rise as part of a resurgence. Figures released today by the Department of Health provide evidence of an increase affecting minors as well. According to official data, hospitals have three pediatric cases in the intensive care unit and are connected to a ventilator.

Meanwhile, four additional deaths from COVID-19 were reported today, including two under the age of 30. In particular, there is a 35-year-old man who died in the Caucasus region and a 39-year-old man who died in the Mayagos region. The other two dead were aged 47 and 61, respectively.

Today, the average number of new cases of Govt-19 is 470. The Department of Health no longer reports total cases, but rather the average positive number of antigen tests and molecular tests.

There are a total of 127,545 confirmed cases, while the total death toll is 2,585.

The government focuses its message on vaccinating people to prevent the recurrence of the disease, not only by having to wear masks at home even if they have been vaccinated. In Puerto Rico, several variants of COVID-19 have already been identified.

We recommend this chapter of Gonzalez Editor’s podcast on data management in the healthcare sector:

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