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ANS received 38 complaints against 23 health workers

ANS received 38 complaints against 23 health workers

Between January 2020 and September 2021, the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) received 38 complaints from beneficiaries, from 23 different operators, related to the ‘Covid Kit’, which are treatments that have been shown to be ineffective against COVID-19.

According to agency data published by O Globo newspaper and confirmed UOL, a hapveda Seven complaints related to the topic, and prevent senior He’s had six complaints, Agent has four, and Jardim America has two. Each of the other 19 operators had a complaint.

The ANS says the following issues are currently under investigation: Prevent Senior, Hapvida, São Francisco Sistemas de Saúde, and Unimed Fortaleza. The latter, however, has no record of complaints about the “Covid Anti-Covid Toolkit”.

To arrive at this number, the ANS reported that the following keywords were used as search parameters: “kit covid”; early treatment; “chloroquine“;” Hydroxychloroquine”, “Ivermectin”, among other variants.

“Of these 38, not all complaints were about medication use from a ‘covid kit’, but, somehow, the problem was mentioned at the time the application was registered,” the agency says.

In the entire period between January of last year and September 2021, ANS identified 284,179 complaint records and 408,930 requests for information.

The data reported by the agency refers to consumer complaints registered in the ANS service channels.

years in the CPI

on Wednesday (6), ANS CEO, Paulo Roberto Vanderlei Rebelo Filho testified at Covid’s CPI. He said at the time that the agency was not aware of the violations committed by Prevent Senior in the middle of this year.

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However, Senator and Committee Vice Chair Randolph Rodriguez (Rede-AP) filed letters with convictions against Prevent Senior sent to the ANS in April of this year, according to the senator.

Paulo Rebelo stated that he only learned of complaints against a health care provider through the CPI.


ANS is a regulatory agency associated with the Ministry of Health, established by Law No. 9656 of June 3, 1998. Overseeing the performance of companies operating health plans and whether they comply with all current standards.

The ANS must also create the rules that dictate the relationship of operators to service providers and consumers, detailing aspects of health plans law.