March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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Anvisa collects ice cream from Häagen-Dazs

Anvisa collects ice cream from Häagen-Dazs

Anvisa (the national health watchdog agency) has decided that General Mills Brasil Alimentos collects all batches of Häagen-Dazs vanilla-flavored ice cream after identifying a carcinogen.

According to the statement from the agency, these products are valid between July 7, 2022 and July 18, 2023, are sold in a package of 415 grams (473 ml) and are distributed to retail establishments in bulk form 7.7 kg (9, 46 liters).

These specific quantities of ice cream, imported from France, are withdrawn globally, due to the presence of 2-chloroethanol (2-EC) in the ingredient used to make ice cream to impart a vanilla flavour.

No restrictions have been placed on the marketing and use of other flavors of Häagen-Dazs ice cream.

By note, the company said existing levels of the substance are low, but it has already taken appropriate steps to replace affected components. “The brand reiterates that it does not use ethylene oxide in any manufacturing process of its products and that it follows regulatory and safety standards, in accordance with the legislation of each market in which it operates.”

Understand the content of Häagen-Dazs

ETO is classified as carcinogenic (can cause cancer), mutagenic (can cause changes capable of damaging human cells) and genotoxic, that is, which can cause changes in genetic material.

According to Anvisa, based on the available scientific information, the genotoxicity – changes in the genetic material – of 2-EC, a substance caused by the degradation of ETO that was detected in these specific groups of ice cream, cannot be ruled out.

There are no acceptable residual limits for this substance in foods, according to the agency. Nor will there be acceptable limits under the legislation in force in Brazil regarding limits for contaminants in food.

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Anvisa advises anyone who has purchased Häagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream with the stated expiration dates not to consume the product, keep the packaging and contact General Mills.