March 9, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

APS says nearly 12,000 people from Alagoas have joined the health plans since the start of the epidemic

From the start of the pandemic, in March 2020, through February 2022, Alagoas has increased the number of beneficiaries using health plans for Medicaid. Two years ago, there were 368,105 benefits associated with Alagoas. In February 2022, the number reached 380,028 Medicaid through health plans in two years, an increase of 11,923, implying a growth of 3.23%, just above the national average of 3.06%.

Data are from the National Agency for Complementary Health (ANS) which also indicates a coverage rate of 12.01% of the population in the Alagoas Territory.

The data shows that – with the exception of some specific declines – the trend has been an increase in the number of Alagoas linked to health plans. If at the beginning of 2020, when the epidemic was at its beginning, this figure was 368,105, a year later, in February 2021, the number was 371,314. In February of this year, the amount reached 380 thousand.

Also according to National Agency for Complementary Health figures, most medical plans in the state are of the group type (257683), followed by the corporate group type (189.085), and third of the family or individual type (122266).

Exclusive Dental Care Plans

If you add the benefits of health plans into dental-assisted medical assistance, Alagoas has 668,917 plan beneficiaries, covering 21% of the population in the Alagoas Territory.

In all, there are 28,889 nodes associated with the names of people from Alagoas who use some type of dental health plan, covering only 9.3% of the population. As of March 2020, this number has 274,332 users. In February 2021, it jumped to 279,935. In February of this year, there were 28,889. Most use the individual or family plan for this type of help, followed by group and corporate group plans.

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for Brazil

All over the country, according to the ANS, the strip is being heated. In February 2022, Brazil had 49,049,467 users in healthcare plans, as well as 29,224,329 exclusively in dental plans, for a total of more than 78 million beneficiaries. The full data can be checked in the operating room, a consultation tool on the ANS portal. Click and access here.

In medical hospital plans, there was a one-year growth of 1,459,702 users – which is a 3.06% increase compared to February 2021. Comparing February 2022 and January 2022, the growth was 71,925 users.

In the exclusive dental plans, there were 2,316,363 beneficiaries in one year – which is an 8.60% growth in the period – and 104,065 beneficiaries compared to February 2022 with January 2022.

In the states, compared to February 2021, the sector recorded an evolution of beneficiaries in health care plans in 26 federal units, with São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina with the largest gains in absolute numbers. Among dental services, 25 federal units registered growth in the annual comparison, with the largest increases in São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Parana.