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At A Fazenda 13, Rico turned his booth into a motel for an intimate visit;  Understanding · TV news

At A Fazenda 13, Rico turned his booth into a motel for an intimate visit; Understanding · TV news

Rico Melquiades Benefited from imprisonment farm 2021 Think about what it would be like if pedestrians were entitled to intimate visits, as were prisoners. On Monday (29), the former MTV promoted the idea: In his plan, the space in the bay would be used as a motel to fulfill the participants’ sexual desires in reality.

“Can you imagine if I had an intimate visit, as if I were in prison? It would be so, in the cabin. [A produção avisaria:] “aline [Mineiro]Go to the bay at once.” You will, and we will be on the lookout. When you left, we [ia gritar]: ‘Eeeee,’ Melquiades commented in conversation with ex-Panic.

excited about the idea, Allen asked if it was a pedestrian celebration It will be similar to that done with people who follow the descent of cataracts.

“Yes! Remember the cartoon Pica-Pau, who fell into a barrel in the waterfall,” commented a walker, referring to the episode of the classic cartoon set in Niagara Falls, United States.

“[Quando a produção avisasse:] Allen, in the booth. Everyone already knew that you were having an intimate visit, and when you leave, everyone will say: “Eeeee, yupi” ”, The previous leave was completed with the previous one. “[Ia sair] Allen said with a smile.

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