March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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Auren (AURE3) will distribute R0 million in dividends, operating previews from contractors, news from Petrobras (PETR4) and more.

Auren (AURE3) will distribute R$100 million in dividends, operating previews from contractors, news from Petrobras (PETR4) and more.

Corporate news Tuesday (19) highlights the operating preview of Vale (VALE3), Assaí (ASAI3) and GPA (PCAR3), all after the market closed.

Auren (AURE3) and Ferbasa (FESA4) have agreed to pay dividends.

Itaú Unibanco (ITUB4) acquires a minority stake in Orbia and expands its agribusiness operations

MRV & Co (MRVE3), Tenda (TEND3) and Gafisa (GFSA3) have released an operating preview for the first quarter of 2022.

Hapvida (HAPV3) in turn approved the third issuance of a non-convertible simple bond, for a total amount of R$2 billion.

Check out the highlights:

Auren’s Board of Directors approved a dividend of R$100 million, equivalent to R$0.10 per share.

Dividends will be paid on a date to be determined by the Company’s Board of Directors, based on the contribution position on May 3, 2022.

Ferbasa will make the supplementary payment of the mandatory minimum dividend, in the amount of R$42.7 million, at R$0.47198668558 per common share and R$0.51918535414 per preferred share, on April 29, 2022.

It will also pay an additional dividend of R$86.7 million, at a rate of R$0.95735529613 per common share and R$1.05309082574 per preferred share, on May 12, 2022. Both payments will be effected based on the contribution status as of April 26, 2022.

The Hapvida Board of Directors approved the third issuance of a non-convertible simple bond, for a total amount of R$2 billion.

Itao Onibanko celebrated, through its subsidiaries, The agreement to acquire through financial participation 12.82% of the share capital of Orbia.

Orbia is a platform that offers rural producers a complete journey within the digital universe, facilitating operations in the field from agriculture to commodity marketing.

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Alliance Sonya (also 3) and brMalls (BRML3)

Alliance Sonya (also 3) Presented to the Board of Directors of brMalls (BRML3) Proposal for a new business combination, containing a more favorable exchange rate for brMalls shareholders.

This time around, Aliance Sonae offered a cash payment of R$1.25 billion for brMalls and a one-share exchange ratio issued by brMalls for 0.3940 shares issued by the company.

The previous proposal foresaw a cash payment of R$1.850 billion and an exchange ratio of 1 share issued by brMalls against 0.33414420 shares issued by Aliansce Sonae.

Petrobras (PETR3; PETR4) started yesterday (18) the binding phase indicating the sale of the 20% wholly owned stake of its subsidiary Petrobras America (PAI) in MP Gulf of Mexico (MPGoM), located in Texas, USA, Owner of offshore fields in the Gulf of Mexico.

MPGoM is a joint venture that owns 80% of the Murphy Exploration & Production Company and 20% of PAI, created in October 2018, with the contribution of certain oil and natural gas assets to production, located in the Gulf of Mexico, from both companies.

Federal Labor Party lawmakers filed lawsuits yesterday with the TCU and the Federal Court of Brasilia to try to stop the privatization of Eletrobras (ELET3, ELET6), which will be judged on Wednesday.

Read also

Eletrobras: Analysts say privatization could double the company’s market value and begin transforming the country’s electricity sector

MRV & Co (MRVE3) Reported that net sales It totaled R$1.743 billion in the first quarter, an increase of 7.6% compared to the first quarter of 21 and 4.2% compared to the first quarter of 2020.

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The result is the largest volume of first-quarter net sales in MRV & Co.’s history.

The launches reached a general sales value (PSV) of R$1.735 billion between January and March of this year, an increase of 1.4% compared to the same period in 2021, but a decrease of 46.5% compared to the fourth quarter of ’21.

Tenda launched 7 projects in the first quarter of ’22, with a total gross sales value (PSV) of R$467.2 million, a decrease of 23.5% compared to the first quarter of ’21 and 44% compared to the fourth quarter of ’21.

Total net sales amounted to R$578.6 million between January and March of this year, down 17.8% year on year and 25.9% compared to the previous quarter, with a faster pace of net supply (VSO) 26, 1%.

Gafisa reported net sales of R$233.5 million, an increase of 81% compared to the first quarter of ’21 and 19% compared to the fourth quarter of ’21.

RNI (RDNI3) reported that net pre-sales total general sales value (PSV) totaled R$171 million, up 9% compared to the first quarter of 21 and 6% versus. 4Q21

The company launched two projects totaling R$207 million in PSV, which shows a slight decrease compared to the first quarter of ’21.

Hmobi (HMOB3)

The company’s board of directors approved the payment of cash dividends of 36 million Brazilian riyals, compared to 0.0196451751 Brazilian riyals for each ordinary share issued by the company, in light of the company’s contribution base on the base date of April 18, 2022.

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