A cold snap in southern Florida, US, knocks iguanas from trees, in a phenomenon that has repeated over the years,...
Neil Peay
This time, Bolsonarista made a montage with headlines suggesting that Canadian player Alfonso Davies had myocarditis and was unconvincing. Modification...
Published on 01/30/2022 15:39 (Credit: Anatoly Stepanov/AFP) Ukraine on Sunday urged Russia to withdraw its forces from the border and...
A Coreia do Norte disparou neste domingo (noite de sábado, 29, no Brasil) "um projétil não identificado" no mar do...
A movimentação de tropas russas na regiao de fronteira com a Ukraine se intensificou neste sábado (29). Os enviados especiais...
Como se já não bastasse o trauma de um estupro coletivo, a vítima ainda teve seu cabelo raspado e foi...
Uma ponte desabou nesta sexta-feira (28), sem causar mortes, em Pittsburgh, nos Estados Unidos, horas antes de uma visita do...
Mariana Sanches - @mariana_sanchesDa BBC News Brasil em Washington28 January 2022Atualizado Há 2 horascredito, ReutersLegenda da foto, Visita de Bolsonaro...
+ Participants must be vaccinated, recover from COVID-19, or both (Photo: JOHN CAIRNS/UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD HO)searching from Oxford university They...
WLA small Scottish island, inhabited by only two people, wants to double its current population. The island is called Runa...