March 10, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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Awarded for the seventh time among “Great Workplaces”, the singular is the only one in PR to win the title in 2021

The notation of the number 7 is associated with perfection. Over 270 Unimed Cascavel employees have been exemplary and the cooperative gives them back an award. For the seventh time, the singular appears in the rating of amazing workplaces. The award is an initiative of the UOL and Fundação Instituto de Administração (FIA), which highlights Brazilian companies with the highest levels of employee satisfaction. The winners are determined from the results of the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile’s Staff Experience Survey (FEEx).

Renewed energy and confidence – “After another challenging year, this award symbolizes our renewed energies and confidence in believing in what we do daily, prioritizing and respecting the diversity and needs of each employee, striving to improve and innovate in people management practices without leaving a welcoming and human aspect in relationships, factors that make a difference In the organizational climate of Unimed Cascavel, recognized for the seventh year as an incredible place to work,” explains Rozinha Campos Filha, People Management Sector Coordinator.

Management and care procedures The award looks at management and care actions for employees, for Unimed Cascavel CEO, Luiz Sérgio Fettback, everyone who works here needs to feel happy. “For example, when I come to the cooperative I feel good, I am happy to work at Unimed Cascavel, to be a member of the board of directors. I think that is what makes our singularity even more solid, the joy of being here. It is what we want everyone who works here to feel happy and contentment,” she celebrates with the president.

Selection The FEEx survey, which was conducted with more than 180,000 Brazilian workers, chose 120 companies with the best human resource practices and organizational climate in the country. The award was intended for organizations that value and invest in human potential, with an emphasis on quality, productivity, and customer satisfaction.

Achieve the dream– A little over two months ago at Unimed Cascavel, Customer Relations Assistant, Marcia Regiane da Luz Marques, said that working at the cooperative is a dream come true. “I had been looking forward to it for a while, my dream was to be part of this team, this company. Always wanted. The day the award was announced, the response was that I was on the right track. This is where I want to build my career,” said Marcia. in it.

special breakfast – The employees were received last Friday (9/03) with a special Iftar, with a special gift on the occasion of achievement, in addition to many flashes. “The news was received in a special way, a personalized box with delicious honey bread in celebration of the achievement. Also, in the photo board, the names of all the contributors were written. This idea of ​​the committee was a way to prove that everyone is part of this award,” bespoke curator Rosinha Vele.

Host – “It was really great. I’ve never been involved or felt like that. I felt important, I felt like I belonged. Unimed Cascavel has that reception, and it’s very good. I’ve been working for 18 years, I’ve been to many places and I’ve never felt or received anything.” Like this, it was the first time I’ve encountered something like this: I got goosebumps,” says the aide.

Messages In addition, to spread the good news internally, the People Management Department in partnership with the Marketing and Collaborative Communication Department used several messages in the form of spoilers delivered the day before and during the celebration via WhatsApp. The messages were light and uncluttered, with the goal of “speaking the language” of employees and celebrating an important achievement.

gratitude and pride – The CEO of the cooperative explains that receiving the award, being the only one in Paraná and for the seventh time being recognized as one of the great places to work in Brazil, awakens two feelings. “The first is gratitude to every employee. It is a wonderful place to work because everyone is loyal. The second feeling is very proud to belong to Unimed, the only one in Paraná, being one of the ten unique in the country who are doing everything possible to turn the people who work here into happy and committed people It’s an appreciation for every professional who says they feel happy and reciprocated. That’s what we’ve always been looking for. Have happy, committed people. That’s why Unimed Cascavel has been so successful, because of its overall commitment in terms of integrating people,” concludes Luis Sergio Wittback.

Excellence The best working conditions for our doctors and employees represent excellence in care for more than 90,000 lives under the Unimed Cascavel method of care. (Unimed Cascavel Press)

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