March 10, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

BB does not negotiate and the health plan for the Economos retirees is terminated

The Federation of Bank Employees and Financial Workers in São Paulo, Osasco and the region, as well as other entities representing Banco do Brasil employees, have claimed for decades that workers founded by BB, such as those belonging to Banco Nossa Caixa (BNC)they are entitled to join expect And the Cassie. However, the bank has always ignored the rights of registered companies, even signing collective bargaining agreements in 2018 and 2020 that provided for the implementation of negotiation schedules, which made no progress. Now, Banco do Brasil’s neglect with these workers has reached an extreme with extinction New FizzHealth plan for retirees who benefit from economic.

New Feas beneficiaries have been informed that as of April 8, services will end, and that as of April 9, plan cards will no longer be accepted by the approved network. ECONOMOS will maintain assistance coverage for beneficiaries in the hospital or at home, ensuring care until discharge from hospital.

In the statement sent to the beneficiaries, the “alternative” of migrating to the Economos Futuro plan, which includes individual pricing and value differentiation by age group, is presented, making it significantly more expensive than the soon-to-be-expired Novo Feas. In the case of beneficiaries in charge of cases related to a Novo Feas Plan, Economus will report the termination of the Plan in the records of each case.

“This is the result of BB’s failure to guarantee Cassie and Previ to all. An insensitive situation now leaves BNC employees who have retired unassisted, as migration to the Economos Futuro plan is financially unviable for most of these retirees. The plan’s value is depreciated for the bearer and her spouse, in Average, half of the carrier’s income. In addition, the approved network of “Economus Futuro” is smaller than that of “Novo Phase”

Adriana Ferraraa union leader and banker at BB

“We will continue to demand that Banco do Brasil increasingly insist on Cassi and Previ for all. This is the only solution to the case of the combined company, because the alternative presented today in a practically obligatory fashion will only lead to evasion and powerlessness. He concludes that established BNC companies are worthy of respect.” Getúlio Macielunion leader Fetec-CUT / SP and member of BB Staff Executive Committee (CEBB).