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BBB 22: Can you remember the release’s most iconic moment?  Take the test and find out!  |  BBB22

BBB 22: Can you remember the release’s most iconic moment? Take the test and find out! | BBB22

The BBB 22 Everything delivered in another historic season of Big Brother Brazil Special moments abound. We had many kisses, big phones, Paradao Falso, and phrases that are still in the public’s minds. But can you remember some of them? Test your knowledge and show what you know! 😄

BBB 22: Can you remember the release’s most iconic moment? Take the test and find out! – Photo: Globe

  1. Who was the last brother eliminated from BBB 22?

    • Jiseilan
    • Eliezer
    • Pedro Scooby

  2. What phrase did Jade Picon use when referring to Arthur Aguiar after responding to Big Phone

    • “You didn’t congratulate me!”
    • “Let’s go? You and I in Paredão?”
    • “I need my answer”

  3. Who pressed the button to free the greenhouse?

    • Douglas Silva
    • Pedro Scooby
    • Tiago Abravanel

  4. Who kissed Mary first?

    • Lyn da Quebrada
    • Eliezer
    • Natalia

  5. Jessilane went to VIP for the first time while driving which brother?

    • Tiago Abravanel
    • Lyn da Quebrada
    • Lucas

  6. How many hours did the American stress test last?

    • 23 hours 51 minutes
    • 24 hours 01 minutes
    • 23 hours 02 minutes

  7. After going through a false wall, Arthur Aguiar returns to the BBB 22 house wearing what?

  8. Larissa went on any brother’s dream?

    • Vinicius
    • Tiago Abravanel
    • Lucian

  9. Lin da Quibrada won the Avon Endurance trial, after which the brothers pulled out?

    • Pedro Scobe, Douglas Silva and Arthur Aguiar
    • Douglas Silva, Arthur Aguiar and Paulo Andre
    • Pedro Scobe, Douglas Silva and Paulo Andre

  10. What sentence did Gustavo Laes say to earn it?

    • “You are one of the most desirable women in Brazil”
    • “Do you want to be my partner in love and play?”
    • “My biggest prize is you”

  11. In which room of the house did Eliezer and Natalia’s first kiss take place?

    • In the lollipop room
    • In the kitchen
    • in the grunge room

  12. At what party did Slovenia and Lukas get married?

    • Party Leader Lin da Quebrada
    • Lucas party leader
    • Jade Bacon Party Leader

  13. Which sister has always been “full of trouble”?

    • Jiseilan
    • Nayara Azevedo
    • Bruna Gonçalves

See also  'He's a kid', Laes criticizes Arthur Aguiar's position

Vote for the BBB 22 Final. Who do you want to win?

Vote for the BBB 22 Final. Who do you want to win?Vote for the BBB 22 Final. Who do you want to win?

👀 Want to know everything about BBB 22?