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“BBB22” champion Arthur Aguiar fired two feats while in reality;  Remember Wiener’s music career |  a musician

“BBB22” champion Arthur Aguiar fired two feats while in reality; Remember Wiener’s music career | a musician

While walking towards the “BBB22” award, Arthur Aguiar was also investing in his music career.

reality show heroThe actor and singer launched two works during his participation in the game.

the first was With Matthews and Cowan, in February. The track “Casa revrada” was played at house parties, and the country duo was invited to perform at the grand finale of the program.

A month later, in March, one song “Outside the Home” in partnership with Mateos Fernandez He reached the market.

Arthur Aguiar followed the path of a solo singer with guitar and romantic verses, but became known in group music with the band Rebeldes.

If “BBB21” had a previous Chiquitas, “BBB22It featured the previous single ‘Rebelde’. Arthur was a teenage idol with a sitcom group that released two real-life albums between 2011 and 2012.

podcasts g1 سمع heard Analyze the musical career of each artist on “BBB22”. Listen below and read more below.

Arthur Aguiar caused controversy when he announced the band’s departure in 2013 – and the band ended up not playing without him. He said he wanted to devote himself to his band, FUSCA

Rebeldes had all the songs signed by Di Ferreiro and Gee Rocha, from Nx Zero.

They were simple teenage fixtures, but less general than those of FUSCA Arthur ended up focusing on acting and the group didn’t progress.

Then his solo career in music began and I gained a bit of personality. He’s a singer-songwriter, voice and guitar, half Jason Mraz, half more arranged Thiago Ewerk. “A Flor”, from 2016, was the most played song from his first and only album to date, “O que te faz bem”.

But it was surpassed by the video for “The Greatest Gift God Has Given Me,” in 2018. The song was made for the birth of Sophia, his daughter with ex-BBB Myra Cardi. The The troubled relationship between the two It ended up getting more attention from Arthur’s music.

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So much so that his videos with Mayra get a lot more views than most of the songs he posted on YouTube.

On television, he has participated in TV series such as “Em Família”, “Malhação”, “Êta Mundo Bom” and “O Outro Lado do Paraíso”.

Discover the stories of other “BBB22” singers: