March 13, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Betting on supermarkets leaves shelves empty.  Hundreds of thousands of Britons already have Christmas supplies – Observer

Betting on supermarkets leaves shelves empty. Hundreds of thousands of Britons already have Christmas supplies – Observer

After the fuel shortage, Boris Johnson’s government forced drivers to put behind the wheel of supply trucks to make up for the shortage of drivers, resulting in a shortage of basic necessities. Fearing they would not be able to find what they needed in the coming weeks, the shelves for British supermarkets were empty of meat, fruit, frozen food, toilet paper and water bottles on the shelves.

According to the Daily Mail, this Saturday a Situation study, December 25 With more than two and a half months to go, hundreds of thousands of people have already stockpiled food and drinks for Christmas and the season.

According to a survey of 3,326 adults interviewed by the National Statistics Office (equivalent to the Portuguese IN), one in six Britons has failed to buy essential food in the past 15 days, and one in seven has reported the same experience. ., But with regard to the purchase of fuel. 17% of respondents said they could not make the purchase they needed and the goods were not available. 43% explained that they found less variety on the shelves and 14% explained that they would have to go to more stores to make the same purchase as usual. Still, 57% said they had no problem filling their shopping cart.

According to another survey, the specialty magazine The Grocery, with a thousand respondents, a third said they had already stored food for dinner, two-thirds of consumers said they were worried or “very worried” about food shortages and drinks before Christmas.

Meanwhile, the waitress chain, with 332 supermarkets across the UK, reported that 22,000 reservations were made last week, until lunch time on the day Christmas delivery dates became available. As of this Friday, 112,000 orders have been placed for delivery during the festive season.

To make sure all of these fears are unfounded, the British government has already announced that it will consider transporting trucks to the country where the fuel supply is handled.

This Saturday Boris Johnson named Sir David Lewis, the businessman who was the leader of the giant Tesco goals between 2014 and 2020, as the new person responsible for the crisis in the supply chain. He explained that his goal was to remove “current blockages” and “prevent future future blockages”. Dave Lewis, 56, is known by two nicknames: for some, he is the “ruthless Dave,” a ruthless businessman who can get good results, including lowering jobs and prices; To others, “Diamond Dave”, because of all the companies he touches, namely the British food distribution company and Unilever, the success he had,