March 14, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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Bianca Jagger: “Daniel Ortega seeks to establish himself in power at all costs by establishing a new tyrannical dynasty”

Bianca Jagger: “Daniel Ortega seeks to establish himself in power at all costs by establishing a new tyrannical dynasty”

Blanca Perez-Mora Maccas was born in Nicaragua, studied in France and in 1971 she married Mick Jagger, head of Rolling Stone.  He is the Accredited Defender of Human Rights (EFE / George Torres)
Blanca Perez-Mora Maccas was born in Nicaragua, studied in France and in 1971 she married Mick Jagger, head of Rolling Stone. He is an Accredited Human Rights Defender (EFE / George Torres)

Bianca Jagger is asking the Daniel Ortega regime to allow at least 150 political prisoners to go to prisons in Nicaragua to check the status quo, as it did in early July during the dictatorial regime of Anastasio Somoza Debel 42 years ago.

Jagger, 71, is the founder and chairman Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation This week he testified about the crisis in his home country of Nicaragua, where members of the US Congress are discussing approving new laws to allow free and democratic elections for the Nicaraguan regime.

The human rights defender left Nicaragua when he was a teenager and his name was still there Bianca Perez-Mora McCas. He came to Paris with a scholarship under his arm to study political science. Her life changed in 1971 when she married Rolling Stones star Mick Jagger and became a global fashion icon and actress.

Over the past four decades she has dedicated herself to seeking respect for human rights, especially the rights of women, indigenous peoples, and environmental protection in various parts of the world, including conflict areas in Latin America, Bosnia, Afghanistan, and India. , Sri Lanka and Palestine, among others. He is affiliated with international organizations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Approve in this interview Infobe First he sympathized with the Santinista revolution that defeated the Somoza dictatorship that ruled his country. However, in a few years he realized that the policies that had provoked that revolution had been betrayed by Daniel Ortega.

Despite being a world leader, Nicaragua has always been on his agenda and at heart. A few days after the December 1972 earthquake in Managua, she persuaded her husband and Rolling Stone to hold a humanitarian aid concert for the victims. This will be the first time for this band.

At the end of the war against Somoza, he arrived in Nicaragua in July 1979, visited the political prisoners of the dictatorship, and in 2017 opposed the construction of a Mediterranean canal with peasants in the Nicaraguan Mountains. He was at the “de los Madras” march on May 30, 2018, when snipers belonging to the Daniel Ortega regime were shot dead.

-As a Nicaraguan, how did you handle your country’s crisis?

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-I have always had one foot in Nicaragua, I have another foot here (UK) where I live. I try to give a voice to the people who are in danger of being killed, besieged and abducted during the bloodthirsty regime of Daniel Ortega and his ally Rosario Murillo.

Bianca Jagger in 2017 with a demonstration by Nicaraguan environmental activists against the construction of the La Fonseca Intersocial Canal.
Bianca Jagger in 2017 with a demonstration by Nicaraguan environmental activists against the construction of the La Fonseca Intersocial Canal.

-You say that the rule of Daniel Ortega is equal to or worse than the rule of Anastasio Somosa 42 years ago. Can you explain why you say that?

-I left Nicaragua as a teenager, my experience was through my mom’s eyes, I was able to learn and read about what I knew and about Somosa. Of course, the Somosa dynasty is bloody and brutal. The victory of the Santinista Revolution gave hope and joy to millions of people around the world, including Nicaragua and myself. We believed that revolution would bring freedom, justice and democracy, but it did not. Daniel Ortega betrayed the principles that promoted that revolution. Ortega, during his many years in power, overthrew all legal and democratic institutions in Nicaragua. His goal is to establish a new tyrannical dynasty and establish himself in power at all costs. Ortega’s brutal and relentless repression is comparable or worse than Somosa’s. To what extent did Daniel Ortega completely subjugate his rule using a legal system? Any human rights defender, journalist, political leader, student or farmer must be prepared to be abducted and disappeared.

In early July 1979 I campaigned for a fundraiser for the British Red Cross, and I moved to Nicaragua. Somosa reluctantly allowed me to enter the prison with the Nicaraguan Red Cross. A dictator like Anastasio Somosa allowed us to go to jail, today these 30, seven of them for the presidency, were abducted, disappeared and held hostage, they were not allowed medical treatment or humanitarian visits are not known whether their lawyers visited them or their files Not allowed to keep.

“Daniel Ortega betrayed the policies that provoked the revolution and removed all legal and democratic institutions in Nicaragua.

-Are you satisfied with the world’s response to the Nicaraguan crisis?

-The world is not paying enough attention to Nicaragua. In recent years we have seen crises around the world. There is an epidemic, what is happening in Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, we (Nicaragua) small country with six million people without oil. It is wrong for them not to focus on Nicaragua because geopolitically the Daniel Ortega regime represents a threat to the national security of the entire region, especially as Ortega sought to recreate a situation similar to that of the 1980s. Cold War to use it. In the face of his Machiavellian plan, the international community must provide a strong response to Ordega’s repression and the cry for free aid to the Nicaraguan people. Condemnation notices and resolutions are welcome, but they are not enough.

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– Are you ready to go to Nicaragua as you did during the Somosa dictatorship?

I called on Daniel Ortega to allow Nicaraguan prisons to be visited by reputable organizations such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the US Commission on Human Rights, and I invited bilateral representatives from Congressmen to join us if they were allowed to enter.

-Did you know that since you are a Nicaraguan you can be charged with “treason against the motherland” under the new laws?

-Of course. But I am also British. They are false accusations. How Daniel Ortega used the laws. Imaginary laws to persecute and destroy opposition in Nicaragua.

– Does your visit to Nicaragua signify this kind of accusation?

-It is possible. It is possible. These kidnappings and blockades are part of a Machiavellian strategy devised by Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo to prevent free, fair and democratic elections.

Daniel Ortega and his wife and vice president Rosario Murillo.  (AB Photo / Alfredo Junica, file)
Daniel Ortega and his wife and vice president Rosario Murillo. (AB Photo / Alfredo Junica, file)

-What is your opinion about the elections scheduled for November this year?

-They must be declared invalid and illegal. For the November 2021 election process to be legal, five conditions must be met: one, the immediate release of all political prisoners on false and fraud charges such as treason and money laundering; Two, the immediate withdrawal of all bogus barriers to popularly elected offices; Three, the immediate restoration of all civil and political freedoms of Nicaraguan citizens; Four, the immediate cessation of all acts of repression and intimidation carried out by the regime without full punishment, with the assistance of the police, army, paramilitary forces under its control and the gang of its sympathizers and its corrupt judiciary; And fifth, a negotiated commitment to submit the electoral process to broader national and international observations. If Ortega is not prepared to comply with these five points by August 2, 2021, the last day allowed by the election calendar to register candidates, the international community will not be able to recognize the electoral process and its results and declare the regime of Daniel Ortega illegal.

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-However, some protests are participating in this election process. The Citizens’ Party for Independence has announced its candidates.

-How do they lend to that game? I feel like other Nicaraguans, they feel cheated. How did they lie and cheat? How come they did not respect the nearly 400 people murdered in Nicaragua, the nearly 150 political prisoners, and the 30 hostages abducted and disappeared in Nicaragua because they wanted to participate freely, democratically and fairly? How is it possible that they are ready to go and participate in a fraudulent election?

The international community cannot recognize the electoral process and its results and declare Daniel Ortega’s rule illegal

-Then what should be the attitude of this opposition?

-They must declare circumstances and their colleagues and friends missing, assuming they are hostages and that they cannot participate. How can all journalists, politicians, human rights defenders, farmers, women, students, all, participate in elections where they have their bags ready to escape from Nicaragua and save themselves?

Bianca Jagger, who currently resides in London during the struggle against Donald Trump.
Bianca Jagger, who currently resides in London during the struggle against Donald Trump.

-You are asking for international sanctions against the Ordega regime to be increased, but these laws will affect the people as well.

-I argued that the laws used would not harm the people, especially Daniel Ortega, his family, close friends, participants in corruption and his regime and those who committed serious and systematic violations. Human rights. What we see is that the Daniel Ortega regime had no limits to its repression; At the moment the Nicaraguans are the hostages of this terrorist, criminal state. This is a bloodthirsty tyrant who is not going to stop him for fear that he will be brought to justice if he loses power. They are two (Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo). That is why they are so contradictory and mentally unaffected.
