March 9, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Bolsonaro sanctioned the law that allows PF funds to be used to spend on the health of the agency’s civil servants |  Policy

Bolsonaro sanctioned the law that allows PF funds to be used to spend on the health of the agency’s civil servants | Policy

Established in 1997, Funapol is irrigated with resources from fees charged for services provided by Federal Police, such as those relating to: migration; fines; income from the fund itself; Revenue from public tenders; Donations, among others.

It is up to the Board of Directors to prepare, in the second half of the previous year, the annual plan for allocating part of the funds from the fund. Before the MP, this money was used to displace police officers and keep them in official police operations.

The temporary measure was edited by the federal government and subsequently approved by Congress. It is allowed to use up to 50% of the fund’s resources to cover the following expenses:

  • Transportation, accommodation, and meals for servers on a mission or employee of an official nature and compensation premiums
  • Staff health Federal Police
  • Compensation payment to a PF employee who voluntarily fails to fully enjoy a paid rest (day off), and remains available for service, subject to rules and budget availability

Originally, the text sent by the government at the end of 2021 provided for the use of up to 30% of Funapol’s revenue with transportation, accommodation and food for the PF servers, which was already expected; And as a novelty, it provided that the ratio could also be used with the health of the employees of the enterprise.

The Federal Police began Operation Corpus Christi

The Federal Police began Operation Corpus Christi

The text also sets out the rules for the voluntary service of the Federal Police and states that the funds needed to pay compensation will come from the reallocation of the federal police budget allocation.

Pay according to availability

During the process in the House, MPs included in the text the payment of compensation to the police for the time of its availability. They will be paid when the server, outside of business hours, becomes available to the agency.

According to the text, an employee who remains at the police’s disposal after the normal working day, for eight hours a day or 40 hours a week, will be considered “available”. Availability must follow a preset metric.

The compensation would be equivalent to 1/3000 of the highest wage for police work – in current values, police officers would earn about R$10 per hour. The payment will not be subject to income tax or Social Security contribution. The amounts may not be incorporated into the employee’s wages or used as a basis for calculating the retirement or death pension.

The Minister of Justice and Public Security sets the limits and conditions for the payment of compensation, according to the availability of the portfolio’s budget. The funds will come from the reallocation of budgetary allocations from Federal Police.

The goal of the programme, which will last two years, is to “help in the fruitful integration of people at risk and reduce the effects” of the pandemic on the labor market.

The temporary measure was liberalized by the government in January of this year and approved by the National Congress. The federal government did not say whether the president vetoed any part of the text approved by parliamentarians.

The MP does not provide for the use of federal government resources in the program, which will be funded by the federal district and municipalities that adhere to the measure.

It is up to the DF and the municipalities to determine and deliver the “public interest” activities to be offered, without any work or professional relationship.

Priority will be given to joining the program:

  • Beneficiaries of income transfer programs, such as Auxílio Brasil
  • Persons belonging to low-income families are registered in the Federal Government’s Individual Registry of Social Programs (CadÚnico)

People who receive Social Security benefits from public and private Social Security systems will not be able to participate in the program, except for those who receive a death or accident assistance pension.

Volunteers will be selected by local governments through a streamlined public selection process, which will determine the duration of the volunteer work.

Courses can be in-person, coeducational or distance learning and will be held in System S entities, municipal institutions or a vocational technical training district.

The grant is less than the minimum wage

The amount of the scholarship to be paid to program participants must be determined by the municipalities and the Federal District. The amount must be equal to the minimum hourly wage and correspond to the total hours of the courses and activities performed.

Opposition deputies criticized the rule, which, according to them, will allow scholarships worth less than half the minimum wage, that is, about 500 Brazilian reals.

The text provides for the payment of the transfer voucher, which will not be deducted from the scholarship, or the offer of another form of free transfer; and personal accident insurance.

Volunteers will not be able to carry out the activities:

  • unhealthy
  • dangerous
  • Which constitute the replacement of public officials or employees of a federal entity in the implementation of activities

When the volunteer completes one year in the program, he/she is entitled to 30 days of vacation, with the payment of a scholarship during this period. If the volunteer stays in the program for less than one year, he is entitled to leave commensurate with the period during which he worked as a volunteer.

Volunteers will be terminated from the program if they are appointed to an official position, hold a public position, or have less than minimum attendance or insufficient performance.