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Bruna Gonsalves, married to Ludmila, begins to sing Anita’s song and stops |  BBB

Bruna Gonsalves, married to Ludmila, begins to sing Anita’s song and stops | BBB

Brunna Gonçalves starts singing Anitta’s song, but stops shortly afterreproduction

Posted on 01/18/2022 13:26

Rio – Bruna Gonçalves, the wife of singer Ludmila, is one of the participants in the Camarote group, formed by famous people, from “BBB 22”. This Monday, on the first day of confinement, Bruna started singing the part of “Sextou” for Anita, but stopped immediately when she realized what she was doing.

Lyudmila and Anita are at war and even exchange barbs on social media. The two singers differed due to the song “Onda Different” that they recorded together. Ivete Sangalo sang the song during her performance at Rock in Rio and thanked Ludmilla for her support.

Then some fans began to criticize Lyudmila, who did not mention Anita. “A sea of ​​people singing! I sent a thank you Yvette, I celebrated that I managed to compose a song and the composition stuck. Your fans came to attack with everything, saying I left you out. I was talking about composition,” said Ludmila, who revealed that she was receiving attacks from Anita’s fans.

Lyudmila also accused Anita of including her name as one of the song’s authors. It was always the biggest problem [Anitta] With no truth. You have already made 50% of the song. If she had acted honestly with me saying, “I’m going to put my name out there because I co-produced the song and I’m going to gain the songwriter’s spirits,” I would have said, “Offer! Put your name out there. I put her name in my song and it kept making me sound crazy!” said Loud.

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Brunna Gonçalves defended Ludmilla, who at the time was just his girlfriend. They weren’t married yet. “There was a time when you called me the ‘Alcione Project,’ like it was an insult. But little do you know, that Alcione is one of my biggest reviewers,” he said. “The only thing I did was defend my girlfriend because I know she’s 100% right,” he concluded.