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Buying Eletrobras Shares with FGTS Money: See Step by Step |  Economie

Buying Eletrobras Shares with FGTS Money: See Step by Step | Economie

Workers with resources in the severance compensation fund (FGTSThey will be able to use part of their balance to buy shares Electrobrass In the privatization process From the company. The stock holding period begins on Friday (3) and runs until June 8.

Those interested in buying can contribute 200 BRL, minimum amount, maximum 50% of the balance FGTS. The purchase will be made by the so-called privatization of mutual fundsa device created in the 2000s and already used by the government to sell papers from other state-owned companies, such as Vale and Petrobras.

Privatization of Eletrobras May 18 approved by the Federal Court of Audit (TCU). In the process, roof 6 billion Brazilian riyals global use of resources FGTS In the purchase of shares in the public offering. If orders exceed this maximum, a division will be performed.

To reserve an application in the Common Personalization Box, you must access FGTS or from the fund.

Find out how to do it with the Caixa app:

  • In the app, you need to allow data sharing from a file FGTS. Thus, the institution will determine the maximum investment that you can make.
  • On the main screen, tap on the option “FGTS“.
  • Then click on the “Authorization of Financial Agent” option FGTS“.
  • Finally, choose the “Mutual Fund Privatization” option and click on “Consult”.
  • On the page that will open, you need to select Caixa Econômica Federal as a financial institution and click Continue.
  • You will then read and agree to the terms and click Continue again.
  • Then, just enter your e-signature and you’re ready to book.
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Now, see the steps through the app FGTS:

  • In this application, you need to click on the “More” menu. Then in the option “Application simulator in FMP-FGTS“.
  • Next, you need to authorize the FMP-Eletrobras Fund to consult with your accounts FGTS And to reserve the values ​​for the application.
  • After that, you will read and agree to the terms.
  • On the next page, it’s time to choose the administrator. Participation in the privatization of mutual funds can take place individually or through an investment club (CI-FGTSIt is managed by an organization authorized by the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM).

Now that you are released, you really need to book the purchase. Come on:

  • In the Caixa app, select the “Investments” option.
  • On the next screen, tap on “FMP Reserve”.
  • Then select the option “Resources FGTS“.
  • On the next screen, all accounts from . will appear FGTS Available and the maximum number of resources that can be applied to all of them. Click Continue.
  • Then you need to enable the account(s) you want to use for this app and click Continue.
  • Then enter the amount you want to invest and click “Next”.
  • You will then read and agree to the Membership Terms and click Continue.
  • After that, just enter your e-signature and the reservation will be made.

The investment in FMP shares may be up to 50% of the balance of each linked account, valid for operations within the scope of the National Privatization Program and/or similar state programs approved by the CPPI Council.

However, within 50%, all investments that the worker has in the FMP-FGTS. That is, if the investor has a portion of FGTS Still an investor in Petrobras and Vale shares, this amount must be deducted to see how much can now be allocated to Eletrobras shares.

“A limit of 50% of the total escrow account balance shall be considered for each application, based on the balance of the escrow account and taking into account previous uses in the procurement management plan-FGTS‘,” Caixa says in the document.

to be used FGTS In possession of a ready-made house or under construction, in paying part of the installments and in paying the balance due for financing from the Financial System for Housing (SFH) or extraordinary settlement thereof, and returning the amounts invested in the money management plan-FGTS It may be total or partial.

The financial institutions operating the privatization mutual funds, in turn, should offer the workers: consultation on the balance of workers available for investment in the FMP; FMP application worker request registration; transaction settlement record; And valuable blocking information from linked accounts.

But in recent years, workers have also received a portion of the guaranty fund’s profits, generated from interest charged on loans for infrastructure, sanitation and home ownership projects. The distribution improved the return on the funds deposited in the fund.

In 2020, with distribution to workers FGTSThe return was 4.52%. In 2019, taking into account the additional dividend, the yield was 4.90%. In 2018, it reached 6.18%.

According to an analysis by XP, investment in diversifying portfolios has paid off with resources FGTS In previous operations (Petrobras and Vale do Rio Doce).

Investors who left their money invested only in it FGTS He earned a return of 136.09% [2002 a 2022]. For an investor who invested in the FMP simulator of Vale da Rio Doce, one of the options presented on the market, the return was 2,235.13%. For an investor who put resources into the simulated Petrobras Fund, which is another option that has been put on the market, it has generated a return of 649.36% in the same period,” the brokerage reported.