March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Cabeto decides to donate to UFC the main hospital for his health research and development project – Focus.jor

Cabeto decides to donate to UFC the main hospital for his health research and development project – Focus.jor

By Fabio Campos

[email protected]

The Hospital of the Paulo Marcelo Martins Rodríguez Institute of Medical Sciences (ICM), located on the shores of Lagoa do Burangapocho, will be entirely donated to the Federal University of Ceará. The decision was announced Monday, 22nd, by Carlos Martins Rodriguez, Dr. Capito, a UFC professor of medicine who until recently served as Ceará’s health minister.

The hospital is the basis for an intrepid health center the doctor has planned since the beginning of the 2000s. Listed as the UFC’s Health Center, the equipment has been built over the past two decades with a mixture of public and private resources.

The facilities of the Hospital of the Future are located in the complex that includes the UFC Medical School, Walter Cantídio University Hospital, Assis Chateaubriand Maternity School, Cancer Institute, Hemoce Center for Hematology and Hematology in Ceara, and in the area where it is planned to install the Technological Innovation District and Smart Neighborhood in Burangaboso.

According to a memo distributed by Dr. Capito, the donated unit “is specifically designed to house a hospital that has the potential to function as one of the most advanced medical centers in the country and also trains students in the College of Medicine.” The donated architectural and engineering projects also provided details of the construction of the ten floors.”

“Now, in advance of the goal of contributing to the improvement of Ceará’s health, the ICM has decided to donate the facilities already built and the land occupied by the construction to the Federal University of Ceará. The funds for the construction came from the private sector and from the allocation of Parliamentary amendments, and under an agreement, the UFC would have the right to occupy Part of the building, but the donation will be an integral part, for both the health equipment and for the land it occupies, this land is wholly owned by ICM,” the note states.

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“Through this initiative, the ICM, established by Dr. shared between public and private institutions operating on this equipment, and to encourage the social and economic development of the Burangapuso region.”

About ICM
ICM is a non-profit civil society organization that aims to implement a national reference center for high-quality research, teaching, assistance and technology production in Ceará. Since its establishment, ICM has been dedicated to the development of medical sciences in the country, through its own programs or through cooperation with the public and private sectors.

Among these partnerships stands out the one established with the Federal University of Ceará – UFC, through agreements with educational purposes in the fields of teaching and research in medical sciences.

The facilities of the Hospital of the Future are located in the complex that includes the UFC Medical School, Walter Cantídio University Hospital, Assis Chateaubriand Maternity School, Cancer Institute, Hemoce Center for Hematology and Hematology in Ceara, and in the area where it is planned to install the Technological Innovation District and Smart Neighborhood in Burangaboso.

See the structure awarded to the UFC

10 floors
Land with an area of ​​12395.25 square meters
Building area 23,469.65 m2

Ground floor – reception, emergency room, radiotherapy and oncology serum, engineering laboratory and tele-informatics.

First floor – rooms for hemodynamics, resonance and tomography.

Second floor – rooms for echocardiography and work pressure measurement and teaching and research institute.

3rd Floor – Nuclear Medicine – 10 rooms for endoscopy and examination of pets.

Fourth floor – 34 inpatient beds

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Fifth floor – 34 resident beds.

Sixth floor – 34 inpatient beds.

Seventh floor – semi-intensive unit with a capacity of 32 beds.

Eighth floor – General Intensive Care Unit with a capacity of 30 beds and Cardiology unit with a capacity of 9 beds.

9th floor – surgery center with 6 operating rooms, 1 hybrid room and 10 intensive care beds.

Tenth floor – technical area.

Expect 14,800 exams and 1,084 admissions per month.