March 15, 2025

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Caixa and Banco do Brasil launch loans for passive people;  Find out how to order and if it’s worth it Journal Mediamax

Caixa and Banco do Brasil launch loans for passive people; Find out how to order and if it’s worth it Journal Mediamax

One of the biggest difficulties for owners of “dirty names” is getting credit in the market. Therefore, we separate the details about loan lines for negative at Caixa Econômica Federal and Banco do Brasil to see which is more worthwhile.

One of the advantages of public banks is that lower interest rates Compared to other options on the market. This is important so that you do not enter into a new religion in an attempt to clear your name. So, let’s introduce you to the two options for getting a loan and leaving SPC or Serasa.


The bank uses the balance FGTS (Service Term Guarantee Fund) such as a guarantee Loan for those with a “dirty name”. This has made life easier for those who need money and do not have assets such as real estate or a car to offer as collateral.

The option of the FGTS gives the financial institution a guarantee of repayment of this loan, because if it is not paid, the amount will be deducted from the balance of the employee’s fund account in case of dismissal. Caixa may retain 10% of the FGTS balance and 40% of the termination penalty.

Caixa is the only bank that allows this possibility, because it manages this money. It is important to stress that the FGTS remains yours, and will only stop if you are fired and do not renegotiate the installments with the bank.

Thus, the interest rate depends on each case, as the deadline for payment is up to 48 times.

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To get the loan, you need:

  • be an official contract employee for at least one year;
  • have a checking account or receive a salary at Caixa;
  • The company you work for must have an agreement with Caixa Econômica Federal (you can find out by consulting with human resources).

Another detail is that you will get a loan at most Half of your FGTS balance. In other words, if you have R$5 thousand in FGTS, the loan can reach R$2.5 thousand.

The order can be made through online banking, ATMs or through your branch manager. Those who are not Caixa customers can search for a bank unit to open an account or carry out portability.

Bank of Brazil

Although it also offers loans to passive people, Do not use Banco do Brasil FGTS as a warrantyBecause they do not manage this type of fund. Another difference is that, to contract a line of credit, it is not necessary to have an account with the institution.

One advantage is Flexibility in payment, where the loan can be repaid at a maximum 96 times (Twice the term of Caixa), the first installment can be paid after 180 days (6 months).

Interest rates are very low and fluctuate between 2,5% (e) 3,5% For those negative. However, if portability is implemented in Banco do Brasil, it is possible to obtain lower proportions.

However, one of the requirements for obtaining a loan for passive people is that the company you work for is linked to the bank (it is necessary to check the information with the company’s human resources department).

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The other rules are:

  • Evidence of sufficient income to cover loan installments;
  • be over 18 years old;
  • You have a current account in any bank recognized by the Central Bank.

To get the loan, all you have to do is go to one of the Banco do Brasil branches with your business card, the last three paychecks, RG, CPF and proof of residency. In addition, you can get the loan through Location Bank of Brazil. In this case, you must complete the registration to inform your personal data.