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Can I make two withdrawals this year?  Find out the difference between a salary bonus and a PIS / Pasep fund and if you receive

Can I make two withdrawals this year? Find out the difference between a salary bonus and a PIS / Pasep fund and if you receive

Two separate services from PIS / Pasep in 2022. One is the salary bonus paid annually to the workers and the other is the PIS/Pasep Fund, which workers can only withdraw once in a lifetime.

>> PIS / Pasep 2022: See the draw calendar, schedule and the latest news about the salary bonus

>> FGTS 2022: Annual Draw Calendar released by Caixa; See how much you will get

>> AUXÍLIO GÁS: How do you consult the benefit of using CPF? Payment of aid began on Tuesday (18)

The salary bonus payment begins in February. [calendário pode ser conferido abaixo].

Caixa Econômica Federal pays the PIS fee to employees of private companies, while Pasep is paid by Banco do Brasil to employees of public companies. But what is the difference between a wildcard and a PIS/Pasep fund?

Pay salaries

The PIS/Pasep Salary Bonus is granted by the Federal Government, and is a worker’s right, whereby workers who meet the necessary requirements can, annually, withdraw up to the minimum wage.

Thus, those who worked under an official contract or as a civil servant in the previous year are entitled to the PIS/Pasep Salary Bonus. In addition, the employee must meet such requirements as:

  • Be registered with PIS/Pasep for at least five years
  • who worked on an official contract for at least 30 days in the previous year
  • Who earns, at most, a minimum wage per month, on average
  • It is also essential that the company you worked for has properly reported the data to the government

Check out the Pis / Pasep 2022 calendar and learn all about the salary allowance

Schedule of PIS Allowance, which Caixa pays to workers in the private sector

born in received it from get up
Janeiro February 8 December 29
February February 10 December 29
March February 15 December 29
April February 17 December 29
may be February 22 December 29
June February 24 December 29
July March 15 December 29
August March 17 December 29
September March 22 December 29
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October March 24 December 29
November March 29 December 29
December March 31 December 29

Pasep allowance calendar, paid by Banco do Brasil to public employees

end of recording received it from get up
0-1 February 15 December 29
2-3 February 17 December 29
4 February 22 December 29
5 February 24 December 29
6 March 15 December 29
7 March 17 December 29
8 March 22 December 29
9 March 24 December 29

PIS / Pasep . Fund

The shares in the PIS / Pasep fund, in turn, have already been released for withdrawal. In total, about 10 million workers can withdraw the amount amounting to R$23 billion.

Although they are different, many people confuse a PIS/Pasep Paycheck Bonus with a PIS/Pasep Fund.

This is because while the salary bonus is paid annually, the PIS/Pasep shares are paid out once in a lifetime. It is intended for workers who had an official contract between 1971 and October 1988.

In the latter, in the event of the death of the worker, the heirs can make the withdrawal. To find out if you are entitled to withdraw, it is necessary to contact Caixa or Banco do Brasil.

PIS / Pasep . Salary Bonus Payment Schedule

1 working month: R$100;
2 months of work: R$200;
3 months of work: R$300;
4 months of work: R$400;
5 months of work: R$500;
6 months of work: R$600;
7 months of work: R$700;
8 months of work: R$800;
9 months of work: R$ 900;
10 months of employment: R$1,000;
11 working months: R$1,100;
12 months of employment: 1,200 Rls.

With information from the Journal Kontable

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