March 10, 2025

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Can you buy a property without a down payment?  Check out the possibilities

Can you buy a property without a down payment? Check out the possibilities

do you want out of rent Or buying your first home, but don’t have the money to put it down? Generally, builders require 30% of the property’s value to be used as a down payment in any bank proceeding. However, is it possible to buy a property without a down payment? Find it here.

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Is it possible to buy a property without a down payment?

As mentioned, it is usually necessary to have 30% of the final value of the building to save in entering financing. If we think that the cost of a house or apartment is barely less than R$150,000, then the minimum entry will be close to R$45 thousand.

Of course, it all depends on the buyer’s income, grades and history, and the value may correspond to a smaller percentage. However, there are some possibilities that can really give you the advantage of buying a property without a down payment.

So the answer to the question posed at the beginning is yes, you can buy a property without a down payment. For this, it is necessary to take into account some details and follow some tips.

Find property purchase options on the floor plan

The number one tip for getting financing without a down payment is to look for properties that are still on the floor plan. This means that the purchase price has decreased, because it is necessary to increase the number of customers to make the construction possible.

In this case, the buyer must have impeccable financial behavior and be able to obtain large amounts of credit.

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Use government solutions

Participation in programs such as Casa Verde Amarela, which replaced the previous Minha Casa Minha Vida, is an interesting option. This is because the government itself provides a subsidy for the purchase of property.

In addition, it is possible to recover a portion of the FGTS to be used as an advance payment. Even if it is a down payment, it will not be necessary to use the money in the account to spend on the property.