March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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Carla Perez, Sheila Carvalho and Laure Impota dance together at The Pair’s Show in Salvador |  Bahia

Carla Perez, Sheila Carvalho and Laure Impota dance together at The Pair’s Show in Salvador | Bahia

Carla Perez, Sheila Carvalho and Lore Impota danced together on stage at their husbands’ concerts, at the “Encontro de Fenômenos” concert, at Witten Wild, in Salvador. The five-hour event took place on Sunday evening (12).

Hours later, Lore Improta recorded the meeting on social networks and said that in addition to being a friend, she was always a fan of the former dancers of É o Tchan.

“I grew up watching them dance, I learned from them…And nowadays, being able to share the stage with @scheilacarvalhooficialcarlaperez is invaluable. ❤️ (I dance and hold pico because it hurts. A nursing mother’s life is not easy kkkk) he wrote.

Carla Perez, Sheila Carvalho and Laure Impota dance together at their husbands’ concerts in Salvador – Image: Publicity

Married to Xanddy of Harmonia do Samba, Tony Salles of Parangolé, and Léo Santana, respectively, the dancers broke everything and drove the audience crazy.

During the show, Xanddy, Tony, and Leo sang together as well as separately. Songs from the Bahian Pagoda such as “Pesou o rolê”, “She does not want war with anyone” and “Contatinho” excited the audience.

Carla Perez, Sheila Carvalho and Laure Impota dance together at The Pair’s Show, in Salvador – Photo: Publicity

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