March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Casas Bahia opens 378 vacancies in Manaus

Manaus / AM – Casas Bahia, the brand of the Via S/A group of appliance and electronics retailers, will arrive in Manaus in the second semester and will initially create 378 vacancies in the capital and at home. The process of hiring HR to form teams has already begun.

Company executives have reported that they intend to set up 25 stores across the state. In addition, they intend to establish a distribution center to serve other companies. In addition to the Casas Bahia brand, Via owns the Ponto brands and operates Extra e-commerce.

The selection process is open to professionals with an academic background from high school and above. There are job openings for sales representatives and service consultant, among others.

To participate, candidates must apply through the Via Careers website or through the links for each vacancy:

Seller Jobs / Caixa / Stock –
Store Manager Jobs –
Personal Technology Jobs –

Portal do Holland was created on November 14, 2005. Initially with a column, named after its founder, journalist Raimundo de Holland. Then go to Blog do Holland and finally Portal do Holland. It was one of the first websites in the state of Amazonas. It is audited by IVC and ComScore.

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