March 15, 2025

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Central Bank reported Pix key data leak

Central Bank reported Pix key data leak

The Central Bank (BC) reported on Friday (21) that about 160,100 Acesso Soluções de Pagamento customers had their Pix key data leaked. This is not the first time British Columbia has reported a data leak. Since the launch of the instant payments system in November 2020, this is the second time.

The institution stated that what happened was a leak in the registration data that does not affect the movement of funds. It still states that balances, passwords, and data were not disclosed.

But, the leak has not happened now, it happened between December 3 and 5 last year and revealed data like username, Register Individual Taxpayer (CPF), Relationship Institution, Branch Number and Account Number.

The central bank warned that all persons who were exposed to the information through the Access application or the institution’s online banking services will be notified. He also stressed that there would be no other way to notify Pix keys exposure and asked customers to ignore communications such as phone calls, SMS messages, and notifications via messaging apps and email.

According to Agência Brasil, Acesso Pagamentos clarified in a note that it has taken measures to ensure data security. “We affirm that we have taken, in a timely manner, all necessary measures to ensure the security of the information held by the Company and our commitment to keeping the market and our partners informed,” the statement said.


Pix is ​​an instant payment system created by the Central Bank of Brazil that enables electronic transfers of any amount between individuals, businesses and the government.

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In addition to increasing the speed with which payments or transfers are made and received, Pix has the ability to:

raising the competitiveness and efficiency of the market;

Lower cost, increase security and improve customer experience;

Promote the electronicization of the retail payments market;

promoting financial inclusion; And

Filling a series of gaps in the basket of payment instruments currently available to the population.