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Check out the benefits of tomatoes and understand why they are eaten cooked

Check out the benefits of tomatoes and understand why they are eaten cooked

Raw or raw foods are usually healthier than cooked foods. That’s because the heat ends up removing most of the nutrients. However, cooked tomatoes proved to be more healthy than their raw form.

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Are boiled tomatoes really better?

What happens is that tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps with various organic functions. Among them are protecting the intestinal mucosa, improving digestion, and increasing heart and liver health.

It is one of the only antioxidants that increases its effect when exposed to high temperatures. So eating cooked tomatoes can be a good idea. If you are going to eat it raw, keep the skin and seeds, as well as high-quality olive oil. Always remember to wash the tomatoes well and give preference to organic products.

What other benefits do tomatoes provide?

Know that the ideal solution is to look for vegetables from organic producers that are free of pesticides and pesticides. Contrary to what tomatoes offer, these chemicals are highly carcinogenic.

Anyway, here are some of the main benefits of tomatoes:

1- It works directly in the prevention of colon cancer from the uterus, prostate, lung and others

Studies in the National Library of Medicine show that tomatoes are effective in helping to prevent cancer. The main types of malignant tumors that the plant fights are tumors of the uterus, prostate, lung, and those that affect the digestive system.

2 – Strengthens the body’s immunity

The presence of vitamin C greatly helps in strengthening the human immune system. This procedure has a direct effect on the prevention of viruses and diseases of microorganism origin.

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3 – Prevent premature aging

Being rich in antioxidants, tomatoes prevent the formation of free radicals in the body, which destroy cells. This delays the appearance of wrinkles and sagging, as well as prevents premature aging.