March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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Civilian police officers will be able to join the GDF health plan

Civilian police officers will be able to join the GDF health plan

a Federal District Government It announced, on Tuesday (15/3), the expansion of the GDF Saúde – Supplementary Health Assistance Scheme for Civil Servants – to Civil Police Officers in the Federal Capital. In addition to the PCDF servers, dependents will also be able to join the list of served recipients. Another novelty is the creation of a new service, with the aim of reducing the cost of benefit for civil servants who earn up to five minimum wages, and nationalizing the service for subscribers.

It was announced at the same time as the signature From a proposal to recalculate the salaries of the DF security forces.

Currently, GDF Saúde has regional assistance for GDF employees and their families in 37 accredited hospitals. From April, the program will include the District category, for civil servants earning up to five minimum wages. In June, the program’s national scope will be implemented for civil servants earning more than five minimum wages.

Civilian police officers and their families will have access to the corresponding ranges on each professional’s payroll.


about head Institute of Civil Servants of the Federal District (Iprev-DF), GDF Saúde coordinator, Ney Ferraz, the program is in a “new phase of expansion.”

“We’re shooting [hoje] Three news. Announce the health plan for civilian police servers, the national health plan for all GDF servers as well as the district plan.

He also commented on the entry of the civilian police forces into the plan. “Health is the greatest asset of all. Without it, all other accomplishments fall to the ground. It is no coincidence that our federal constitution states that health is a right for all and a duty of the state. In this context, the GDF, today, in its supplementary plan of health assistance, welcomes members of Civil Police in DF. You are all welcome, he said.

The national and regional plans were already announced in October last year, but there are no specific dates for their implementation.

The server who has already registered is entitled to serve on the national network. Whoever joins the GDF Saúde Distrital will have no service on the national grid.

Creating a zone line will save 50% of the amounts currently paid by the servers. Whoever pays 400 BRL as bearer, will pay 200 BRL. The reduction applies to dependents as well as to retirees, retirees and their dependents.

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GDF Saúde was launched on October 28, 2020 and currently serves about 60,000 people. With the addition of civilian police officers and their dependents, it is estimated that this number will reach 150,000. Since its opening, 200,000 consultations, more than 3,000 surgeries and nearly 5,000 hospitalizations have been performed.

The plan currently includes 37 hospitals in the Federal District and more than 2,300 approved providers, including clinics, laboratories, associations and also a cooperative.