March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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Clube da Esquina: the project will launch the work as the intangible heritage of MG – Culture

Clube da Esquina: the project will launch the work as the intangible heritage of MG – Culture

Fernando Brant and Tavino Mora
Musicians Fernando Brant and Tavino Mora (Photo: Cristiano Quintino/Disclosure)

The Secretary of State for Culture and Tourism (Secult), Lindas Oliveira, informed this Tuesday (1/4) that this year’s project dedicated to Mineiridade will be launched. The aim is to further highlight the work of Clube da Esquina as the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Minas Gerais.

The secretary said referring to False declaration of recognition of the work of the authors of Minas Gerais Tavinio Mora and Fernando Brant (1946-2015), as the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
For Lenidas, the music was from Minas, considered the exponent of Clube da Esquina, which He turns 50 this yearIn the future, it should win the title of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Together with Pampulha, which became a World Heritage site five and a half years ago with the Conjunto Moderno, under the seal of UNESCO, “The Music of Clube da Esquina from Minas Gerais has a universal expression.”

Also, the UNESCO Information Office reported, on Tuesday, that the organization will deepen the investigation to discover the origin of the forged documents that were sent to the press. In a statement issued last night (1/1), the Paris, France-based UNESCO stated that “despite the importance and importance of the musical work of artists from Minas Gerais, the news is not true.”

“Newspapers and websites have received a forged document bearing the UNESCO logo and signed by the Deputy Director-General for Culture of the organization Mr. Ernesto Otton, which was used without permission, and therefore appropriate measures will be taken to detain the authors of the document. Responsible.” In an excerpt from a statement.

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Confused, shocked and surprised – this is how family, friends and fans meet the legendary Clube da Esquina. “Tavino Moura, such a sensitive person, does not deserve this. They should respect the family and memory of Fernando Brant. I spent last night talking about this topic,” said an old friend.

According to a Brant family member, everyone was appalled. “We were completely surprised by this UNESCO rejection. In less than a week we received the news and the denials. We were shocked by the whole story.”


UNESCO has emphasized that the inclusion of a property in the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity is not a unilateral decision by a Member State. This listing follows the procedure established by the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO.

Each State Member of the Committee shall prepare a provisional list of cultural practices and expressions in its territory that represent the diversity of intangible heritage and contribute to raising awareness of its importance. It should be noted that this is the assignment of the government of each member state.

The referred Intergovernmental Committee annually evaluates the nominations of Member States and decides on new properties to be inscribed on the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

UNESCO said: The last meeting of the committee was held in December 2021. The musical work of the artists mentioned was not on the committee’s evaluation list. The list of properties already inscribed on the UNESCO List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity can be found at the following link: (In English).


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The memo also clarified that “the document mentions Lucas Guimarães as ambassador of UNESCO. This information is false. The person referred to as the UNESCO ambassador.”

Also today, Lucas Guimarains released a statement declaring that he is the “Peace Ambassador for the Global Circle of Peace Ambassadors”. “As a researcher, I conducted an in-depth investigation under the direction of Professor Jacques Pollan (Ctedra Unesco 1996-2021). In the final analysis, a critical look at the concept of poetic writing and heritage as well as the poetic-musical work of Taviño Mora and Fernando Brandt,” he began.

“The results of this research have been approved by the institutions of higher education in France, and therefore it is a research that follows a scientific and academic methodology. I also cannot comment on the validity of the documents that assign me other procedures in your subject, as these procedures do not interest me. This is only related to UNESCO and it is my duty to UNESCO alone sheds light on this matter.”

In the document deemed false by UNESCO, in French with Portuguese translation, addressed to “Mr (Sir) Otvio Augusto Pinto de Moura and Mr. Fernando Rocha Brant (im Memorial)”, signed by Ernesto Otton R. Mr. Ambassador Lucas Guimarans.

It is written: “After seven years of research and meetings with Ambassador Lucas Guimarães and his team, we hereby inform you that your musical work was recognized as the Intangible Heritage of Humanity on November 25, 2021, with the unanimous approval of the UNESCO General Assembly.”