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Discover 5 apps that help maintain mental health

Discover 5 apps that help maintain mental health

There are multiple factors in everyday life that can affect our mental health. However, the arrival of the pandemic has led to financial insecurity and a lack of social interaction, destabilizing some people. With that, companies and startups decided to invest in ways to tackle these problems with Apps that help maintain mental health.

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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 10% of the world’s population suffers from symptoms of mental disorders. In short, 1 in 10 people on Earth suffers from a mental problem.

Mental health applications and the global wellness industry

As a result of this growing wave and the exacerbation of the pandemic, investment in this type of mental health challenge nearly doubled in 2021. In this way, startups saw an opportunity to invest in applications by interpreting the data collected, creating algorithms that offer possible solutions.

With this, the strategies and factors influencing the growth of the wellness market and applications of mental health preservation have already been examined.

Learn about some of the applications on the market and how they work

The applications, which are referred to as complementing treatment, focus on adherence and acceptance with pre-defined guidelines for the user’s treatment. That’s why we have prepared a list for you of 5 apps that help maintain mental health:

1. happy

It offers daily meditations, exercises and quick games that increase the level of happiness. In addition, it was developed by experts in the cognitive behavioral field.

2. headspace

Developed by a former Buddhist monk, this app offers several exercises for focus, anxiety, sleep, and emotional crises. In addition, it promises results within 10 days, if used daily.

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3. Meditopia

It is available in nine languages ​​and features over a thousand different meditations that address topics such as stress, anxiety, acceptance, compassion, body image, sexuality, and more.

4. calms down

An app to help deal with anxiety and stress, made up of quick activities through a supportive community.

5. Cingulum

Finally, we have Cíngulo, an app that aims to help overcome emotional issues through voice-guided techniques.

With all these factors, the mental health apps market tends to only grow, generating billions for investors and developers.