March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Doctor says Fortaleza Unimed patients in hospital without vaccine is twice as many vaccinated – Focus.jor

Doctor says Fortaleza Unimed patients in hospital without vaccine is twice as many vaccinated – Focus.jor

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After the release of the video by Unimed Fortaleza President, Elias Litt, on the number of patients hospitalized with COVID who did not receive the vaccine is greater than those who were vaccinated (with one, two or three doses) at the Hospital Cooperative (HRU), the doctor conducted João Flávio, MD, member of the American Academy of Otolaryngology, provided an analysis based on statistical methods.

As for the numbers released yesterday by Unimed Fortaleza, we have to take into account, statistically speaking, the issue of proportionality. We cannot, in absolute numbers, compare two different groups,” says the professional.

He pointed out that “what happened yesterday, Elias told me that he is very ‘exhausted’, as many people are looking for him, and he has put the absolute numbers of patients in the hospital whether they are infected with the Corona virus or not suffering from it regarding their vaccination status.”

Nogueira made some calculations. “If we just take the world of people who have Unimed Fortaleza (I will collect up to 500,000 lives), we will have (and elicit that the vaccination rate is similar to that of the general population, that is 90% at a rate of at least one dose, according to Fortaleza City Hall information), there are 450 One thousand unvaccinated users: 45 hospitalized, or 0.01%, or 1 hospitalized per 10,000 users.”

Of the 50,000 unvaccinated, 8 are hospitalized or 0.016%, or 1 are hospitalized for every 6,250 users. “Consistently more patients in the hospital who have not been vaccinated! Again, almost twice as much,” he explains.

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The doctor also explains that there is scientific work that talks about the “vaccine escape” of the micron variant. “These same works say that the regimen that would protect the most and be considered complete would be with three doses. Among those hospitalized with COVID in a HRU, the majority (even in absolute numbers) do not consider this scheme to be complete. It concludes that if We applied statistical concepts, then this relationship between unvaccinated vaccinated and hospitalized vaccinated will be greater.”

Do focus: The diagram below summarizes the problem.

Read more
+ Most of the patients hospitalized with COVID at Unimed have received the vaccine
+ Unimed Fortaleza is considering suspending elective surgeries after an increase in COVID cases