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Dr. Jairo · 5 exercises for the arms.  See how you do it!

Dr. Jairo · 5 exercises for the arms. See how you do it!

using Gymnastics It is possible to work all muscle groups such as arms, legs, back, chest and core without leaving the house. This is because, with this method, there is no need for equipment, weights or dumbbells: only with body weight can a full exercise be performed.

a Gymnastics exercises are a training method Very effective and has benefits such as higher calorie and muscle hypertrophy. Other benefits include:

  • muscle definition
  • increase strength
  • flexibility;
  • Increased fat burning in the body.
  • balance;
  • Cardio-respiratory resistance.

calisthenics in practice

As in other activities, such as BodyBuildingGymnastics exercises should be practiced three to four times a week so that the benefits can be felt. However, seeking professional guidance is essential, as performing incomplete movements or incorrect posture can cause injuries.

Anyone who wants to start training should focus on it exercises The simplest, it is always performed with attention to correct posture and movement. In this regard, good examples for those who are just starting out include:

  • Abdominal plank
  • side panel
  • squat
  • dip (one-sided squat)
  • push ups
  • burpee (a squat followed by a jump).

5 exercises for the arms

Next, learn about five exercises aimed at arm muscles, such as biceps and triceps, and do them without leaving the house. paying off!

Biceps row

Similar to the barbell row, with the arms together and the fist recumbent (rested inside), in order to further activate the biceps.

Closed fixed bar grip

The barbell is one of the most popular exercises for training the back and biceps. Here, with the closed fist, there is greater activation of the arm.

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parallel bars

This exercise requires the performance of two parallel bars (or similar objects that serve the same function). It activates the chest and triceps muscles.

Triceps no bench

This movement activates the triceps in a focused manner and can be performed on any fixed bench or similar object that allows for a full range of exercises.

closed bend

Here the position of the hands differs from the usual flexion: they should be close to the chest so that there is more activation of the triceps muscle.