March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Eliezer “ignores” Natália and creates a stir on the web by revealing which ex-BBBs he will or may not be with: “Someone doesn’t catch?”

Eliezer “ignores” Natália and creates a stir on the web by revealing which ex-BBBs he will or may not be with: “Someone doesn’t catch?”


It all happened last night, Thursday (5), in the stories of Mateus Mazavera

Clone/Official Eliezer Instagram - Eliezer stands for his social networks.
Clone/Official Eliezer Instagram – Eliezer stands for his social networks.

Eliezera former BBB 22 who became known after being romantically involved with Natália and Maria during Big Brother Brazil 22, Participated in a program by Mateus Mazavera. After the end of the program, whose hero was Arthur Aguiar, the formerly imprisoned man again became a topic on social media when he revealed who he will stay with or not.

Last night, Thursday (5), Matthews Mazavera, a YouTuber famous for interviewing many celebrities, posted a series of stories alongside Eliezer. “Quickly I want to know ‘take, think or pass’ is here for my reels. Only big brother”Youtube . The former brother activated Honest Mode and didn’t run away from any questions.

The former BBB revealed that he will take Maria, Lin da Quebrada, but will not stay with Natalia, his relationship in the most guarded house in the country. When asked about Vyni, he ruled out any possibility of him kissing his fellow confinement partner. “No way, we are brothers”exposed.

In addition to Grazi Massafera and Juliette, Matheus asked about the possibility of Eliezer staying with Paulo André. “I get the PA! Who doesn’t get the PA? Doesn’t anyone get the PA?”The former prisoners answered.

See also  Lexa exposed Arthur's infidelities? Understanding the "Maíra Cardi Affair" by BBB 22 TV News