March 9, 2025

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Emoção marks the premiere of the duo Maiara and Maraisa

Emoção marks the premiere of the duo Maiara and Maraisa

The opening of the show by the duo Maiara and Maraisa, which took place Friday night (12) in Apucarana, in the north of Paraná, was marked by great emotion. The sisters opened the premiere after the death of Marilia Mendonca with a video in honor of the singer, and through the screen images, “Patroas” was able to sing together again.

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When recording, before singing together, the three leave a message.

“We’ve never really appreciated this wonderful sense of being side by side, and the human warmth so much,” Marilia says. Later, Mayara says, “We know we still miss a few pieces” and Marilia concludes: “But we insist and believe, because it’s not just a show, it’s a life that can’t stop. The past is already there. If it’s gone, the future has already arrived, and neither Only those who live life make it present.” Watch:

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Emoção marks the premiere of the duo Maiara and Maraisa – Video: Jefferson Rafael – Colina do Vale Radio FM

Before her performance in Paraná, Mayara posted a video on Instagram showing Marilia’s uncle and the singer’s producer, who also died in a plane crash. “To you guys…to you guys…the first show of FDS Apucarana,” the singer wrote.

The project “Patros” was developed by the duo Mayara and Marisa and singer Marilia Mendonca. The sertanejas’ joint work was launched in October of this year and they will go on tour in 2022 to tell the story of their friendship, which began when they were still dedicated to songwriting, nearly 10 years ago.

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The show at Apucarana was the first after that The death of Marilia Mendonca, which occurred on the 5th of last month, after the crash of a small plane in a waterfall near Karatinga (MG), about 300 km from Belo Horizonte. Among the victims were its producer Henrique Ribeiro, his uncle and adviser Abesele Dias Filho, pilot Geraldo Medeiros Jr., and co-pilot Tarcisio Viana.

This weekend, Maiara and Maraisa are performing in Santa Catarina and São Paulo.