Posted on 03/03/2022 21:40 / Updated on 03/03/2022 21:42 (Credit: Rock in Rio/Facebook/Reproduction) Ticket sales for Rock in Rio 2022...
Douglas Silva I lost patience with her Eliezer Netto During the early morning party this Thursday (3), at BBB 22....
Brothers continue to enjoy Gathered during the party of leader Paulo Andre. At some point, Ellie plays with Giseilan, and...
The Netflix documentary, The Tinder Scar, was a worldwide hit and is one of the most watched movies on the...
While talking to Arthur about the sounds in "BBB 22" (TV Globo), commenting on the possibility of Slovenia joining the...
Tuesday edition ofBBB 22" (TV Globo) surprised the audience by revealing a new version of the show's vignette without Thiago...
Seventh page / Disclosure Tiago Abravanel Thiago Abravanel still hasn't made peace with the public after giving up on the...
BBB22McDonald's promotion was held on Tuesday afternoon (01)for every Guilherme Corti01/03/2022 - 14:55 PM Brazil time01/03/2022 - 14:55 PM Brazil...
The ears of the gods (Evelyn Castro) won't believe it when they hear a commotion around Gilherme (Mateus Solano) in...
Thiago Abravanel pressed the pull button gave up"BBB 22" (TV Globo) last Sunday. Today, Monday, the actor used his Instagram...