March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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Find out who can get it and how to apply

Find out who can get it and how to apply

Electricity bill with 65% discount. In the case of natives, the discount can be up to 100%. Find out who can get the discount and how to apply

Estimated reading time: 3 Minutes

Among the many economic issues that make life difficult for many people, there is an increase in food, cooking gas and electricity. In the case of the electric bill, the increases are more and more, and you may have difficulties paying your bill. The good news is that there is a way to get up to 65% off your home’s energy bill! So, do you want to know more? Check it out below.

Electricity bill with 65% off: Find out who can get it and how to apply

Thus, according to the government, the initiative has the potential to serve about 244,000 families in Rio Grande do Norte. However, only for people registered with Cadastro Único (CadÚnico), and that the government did not benefit from the Social Electricity Tariff (TSEE).

In addition, apart from the possibility of a 65% discount on the electricity bill, in the case of Quilombola or indigenous families, the discount should be greater. That is, it can amount to 100% of the energy bill. Thus, at the moment, the program benefits about 374,000 families in Rio Grande do Norte. But there is still room for inscriptions.

It is worth noting that in 2022 alone, according to Neunergia Kozren, more than 36,000 families with low incomes will receive social tariff benefits. However, many people stop searching for the software because they do not know what the requirements are. Today, to receive the subsidy, family income must not exceed half the minimum wage, which is currently R$ 606. The maintenance of the registration in CadÚnico must also be up to date.

Finally, for those wishing to take advantage of the discount on the electricity bill, the family representative must update the member’s data at the Reference Center for Social Assistance (CRAS), obtain a Social Identification Number (NIS), and then ask the merchant (Neoenergia) Cosern to join the program. You can also ask questions via WhatsApp (84) 3215-6001.

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Photo: Gabriel_Ramos /