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Find out who won the Angel Trial and how the monster appeared · TV News

Find out who won the Angel Trial and how the monster appeared · TV News

Pedro Scooby He was the one who won the angel trial BBB 22 (Globe). The activity took place at noon on Friday (8). Surfer played in the final match against Arthur Agyar. For Castigo do Monstro, the winner chose Natalia Deodato and Eliezer Netto. On tonight’s live show, the Twelfth Wall will be formed.

outside the Leader Douglas Silva, all other eight participants were able to compete in the Angel Trial. In the room, they held a lottery to determine numbers and encounters. The dynamic was set up in the form of quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals.

In the first stage, Giseilan Alves He defeated Eliezer Neto. Natalia Deodato lost Pedro Scooby; In the duel between friends, Arthur Agyar Paulo defeated Andre Camilo; Previously Gustavo Marcingo Lin da Quebrada won.

In the semi-finals there was a dispute between the teacher and the surfer, and the athlete won it. The actor, on the other hand, managed to create a disturbance in the former glass house and earned a place in the decision. In the final, Scooby was faster than Arthur.

Angel and the beast

To win the Prova do Anjo, runners had to pass through a circuit divided into three stages, assembled by the sponsor. The activity included watching episodes, searching for the product, and assembling gear. Those who managed to do it in the shortest time, advanced in the game.

The monsters will have to dress up as a king and queen, with one of them obligated to always stay in the fortified area of ​​the park. As it happened last week, the punishment will be short-lived: Ellie and Natalia will be able to get away with it later tonight.

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Watch moments from the Scooby angel trial below:

The formation of the twelfth wall

understand the Friday wall dynamics: The owners will immunize someone, the leader will point to someone and the house will go to the recognition center, but this time it will be the vote to save a confined area from the danger zone. The least-voted participant will fall into the hot seat, but he will gain the power of a counter strike and can pull out the opponent. There will be no back-and-forth test.

Learn all about BBB 22 with the podcast O Brasil Tá Vendo

Listen to “#71 – Is Arthur Aguiar Really a BBB 22 Champion?” on Spreaker.

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