March 14, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Four former ministers and former mayor Violeta Menzier have been detained by El Salvador police.

Four former ministers and former mayor Violeta Menzier have been detained by El Salvador police.

Former Mayor of San Salvador Violeta Menzier
Former Mayor of San Salvador Violeta Menzier

Former mayor of San Salvador, Violeta Menzier (2006-2009) and former ministers Carlos Caesars, Erlinda Handal, Hugo Flores and Calicsto Magia Captured by the National Civil Police (PNC) this Thursday, Farabundo Martே was condemned on Twitter by Nidia Theas, a former deputy of the National Liberation Front (FMLN).

“A few minutes ago our dear doctor Violeta Menzover was detained by #PNC without any explanation; in the same way as Comrade Erlinda Handel”, Wrote the leader of the left formation.

Thias demanded that “appropriate procedure be followed” And respect for the human rights of both former officers.

It did not elaborate on the capture of the former deputy or the police delegation taken by Menzover and Handel. Police did not provide information in this regard.

The Republican Attorney General’s Office (FGR) did not provide any information in defiance of the press request.

San Salvador has tweeted about the arrest of a former mayor
San Salvador has tweeted about the arrest of a former mayor

Marijov served as Deputy Minister of Public Health and Social Assistance in the Government of Mauricio Funes (2009-2014) and as Minister in the administration of Salvador Sanchez Sern (2014-2019).

He also served as Vice President of the Legislature between 2000 and 2005.

Handel was part of the Sanchez Seron board.

When Menzover was captured, other members of the FMLN publicly complained about the small details of these acts.

At night, the security forces promised to hold a press conference in which they would provide additional details.

“The police have arrested me. They are taking me through the stadium on Olympic Avenue. They are practically waiting for me near the house. I do not know what they are taking me for,” he said. Manjwar reprimanded the afternoon.

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“Then we wanted to contact her on the phone, but she did not answer us anymore.”Said former vice-president Santiago Flores. He asserted that his confession had been obtained through torture and that his confession had been obtained through torture.

Former Salvador officials Violeta Menzier, Carlos Cicero, Hugo Flores, Calicsto Magia and Erlinda Handal
Former Salvador officials Violeta Menzier, Carlos Cicero, Hugo Flores, Calicsto Magia and Erlinda Handal

Menzo’s lawyer, Jose Gonzalez Castro, said The former officer is at the BNC’s Deputy Directorate of Investigation in San Salvador.

In addition, he also denounced that he did not allow his client to know what the alleged crimes were.

“They didn’t let me in. I saw her through the bars.”He said the photo was taken without a lawyer. “This is clearly a violation of due process.”Gonzalez told the media.

“Every guard’s activity should be with the client, but they do not allow me inside, so I do not know the alleged charges.”, He reiterated.

As Tax Attorney General Rodolfo Delgado put it, The arrests were in response to an “operation fraud” executed between the Attorney General’s Office and Police Delgado.

According to the prosecutor, the former officers were submitted to the press this Thursday night, which are said to be related to money laundering offenses.

They said several raids had been carried out to make arrests and that arrest warrants had been issued for other former officials of the same administration, including Gerson Martinez, former Minister of Public Works Lina Paul, former Minister of the Environment and former Vice President and President of the country, Salvador Sanchez Seron.

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According to Delgado, the arrests are in response to investigations launched in 2019 into the case of former President Mauricio Funes (2009-2014), who was involved in illegal enrichment activities by extracting $ 350 million from public funds, and is currently on the run under Daniel Ortega’s asylum seeker.

Daniel Ortega with former Salvadorian President Mauricio Funas
Daniel Ortega with former Salvadorian President Mauricio Funas

According to Delcado, Violeta Menzover would have received $ 177,000; Carlos Koserus US $ 210 thousand; Calicut Magia US $ 208 thousand; Lina Pol US $ 177 thousand; Jose Guillermo Lopez Suarez US $ 565 thousand; Hugo Flores US $ 174 thousand; US $ 162 thousand by Erlinda Hond; Gerson Martinez $ 290 thousand and; Salvador Sanchez Seron US $ 530 thousand; According to all financial taxes, bonuses are considered.

The FMLN ruled Central America for two consecutive presidential terms from 2009 to 2019, and is currently an opponent of the Naib Bukhale government.

(With information from EFE)

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