March 15, 2025

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Gustavo wins the race and becomes the new captain;  Invites Paulo Andre and Douglas Silva to VIP

Gustavo wins the race and becomes the new captain; Invites Paulo Andre and Douglas Silva to VIP


Gustavo established himself as captain of the week after a fierce competition, playing in the final with Paulo Andre and Douglas Silva.

Gustavo takes the lead at BBB 22
© Reproduction / GlobeGustavo takes the lead at BBB 22

a BBB 22 Its new leader won on Thursday (31). After a week driving in Lin da QuebradaGustavo, devoted himself as a racing champion for the first time, invited Paulo Andre and Douglas Silva to compose his important character.

The event sponsored, as usual, was explained by video puppets: “Let’s go to the rules: The ten players will compete in the first five rounds. Play the last two. The score of all three will reset and the one who has will be the winner of the race more points in the two rounds will be reset. The last two. Both at the end of the fifth round and at the end of the seventh round, in the event of a tie, we perform an additional round until the tie is broken.”

“He threw, the ball hit the crossbar or the edge of the track and didn’t even go in, zero points. It flew off the track, zero points too. In addition to the lead, today’s race winner will win R$10K and a set of Vick family care products,” the proof said in the registry.

Final disputed

With numbered vests they go to the house lawn. The ten players played the first five rounds. Only 3 participants with the most points progressed to the last two rounds. After all the rounds, Douglas Silva, Gustavo and Paulo Andre left.

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In the dispute, Douglas Silva was the first to be eliminated. After that, Paulo Andre and Gustavo tied for four in a row, until the businessman finally got more points than the athlete, ensuring the lead. When creating his VIP, he specifically contacted the contest finalists to compose with him.