September 20, 2024

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Home, security and more: See Meghan Markle’s ‘alleged demands’ to return to UK with Prince Harry

Home, security and more: See Meghan Markle’s ‘alleged demands’ to return to UK with Prince Harry

Meghan Marklewho recently discussed important matters with her husband in Colombia, Prince Harry – has already shown that she misses her homeland – not only she, but her entire family must make some “very serious allegations” to her husband in order to return to the United Kingdom. Even more so after they renounced the duties of their royal titles, this “return or return” story took on another chapter!

‘Home and Security’

According to a new report published by the Hindustan Times, royal family expert Tom Quinn has said that Meghan Markle will not be ready to return to the “queen’s land”. Apart from wanting adequate security for your family, without your own home:

“Meghan said she was only ready to return to England If she and Harry had a house of their own, they would both feel safe. “The Duchess will never return to the United Kingdom and will remain with her husband’s family,” she said. Well, she’s not wrong, especially in our own little corner, our individuality is always good.

Also, the government official also disclosed the details The search for permanent residence in the UK began in JuneWhen the controversial couple were forced to leave Frogmore Cottage:

If the royal couple can find a permanent home and resolve the security issue, they will definitely want to bring their children to the UK.But it will take a lot of diplomacy for Archie and Lily (Meghan and Harry’s children) to develop a genuine and loving relationship with their cousins ​​George, Charlotte and Louis (Kate and William’s children),” Quinn added.

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Since then, Meghan and Harry have been without a place to call “their own” in Great Britain.

Prince Harry has already given some reasons for not returning to England

In an interview with ITV (Great Britain’s channel) in July, Prince Harry said his biggest concern was getting his wife and children back to the United Kingdom. This will be insecure, especially since they will be without real security from 2020, when they have abandoned their real bond obligations.. Fear of attack, given Fake newsHuge:

“It’s still dangerous, anything can happen. Only an individual who reads these things (false news about him and his wife) should act on what they read. Be it knife or acid. Those are things. That’s why I didn’t bring my wife to this country,” he said. said the prince.

So it really makes sense that your wife would want a permanent home and security before returning to the UK. “Prevention is better than cure”…