March 14, 2025

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How the monkey box spreads in 80 confirmed cases in 12 countries |  Health

How the monkey box spreads in 80 confirmed cases in 12 countries | Health

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), monkey pox has been confirmed in 80 patients in at least 12 countries so far.

A further 50 cases are under investigation, and the WHO hopes that new reports will be released in the coming days.

The rare and little-known disease, recently confined to remote parts of West and Central Africa, has been identified in nine European countries (United KingdomSpain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, France, Holland, Italy and Sweden), except the United States, Canada and Australia.

There is no record of the disease in Brazil yet, but the virus was identified in a 26-year-old Brazilian man who came from Portugal after passing through Spain.

It is a rare viral infection that usually manifests itself mildly – and most patients recover within a few weeks, according to data from the British health organization NHS.

So far, by the beginning of 2020, the alarm has not been caused by the monkey box as it was given with the advent of the new corona virus – at least it has not spread so easily and the risk of general contamination has been pointed out. Short.

Furthermore, although there is no specific vaccine for this virus, the measles vaccine is 85% more effective because the two viruses are very similar.

But it is noteworthy that the disease is appearing in countries where the disease has not yet occurred, and the WHO held an emergency meeting on Friday.

Monkey causes painful itching, which causes sores, but this condition is mild and tends to end in a few weeks – Photo: BBC Brazil

In a statement, the organization said the current situation was “different because (disease) occurs in countries where it is not local”, and that it would help monitor affected countries.

How is monkey pox spread?

It is not an easily transmitted disease, but it can be transmitted in the following ways.

  1. When touching clothing, sheets and towels used by someone with skin lesions caused by the disease;
  2. When blisters or scabs touch the skin of people with these ulcers;
  3. From the cough or sneeze of those with monkey box.

So far, the virus has not been described as a sexually transmitted disease, but it is spread by intimacy between persons involved during sexual intercourse.

And recent cases United Kingdom Seen in homosexual or bisexual men, which led the health care agency United Kingdom Itching or skin lesions require men to pay attention to what appears to be unusual for them.

They were advised to contact local sexual health services if they had any symptoms or concerns. But officials point out that anyone can be harmed, regardless of sexual orientation.

Infected animals such as monkeys, rats and squirrels can also spread the virus.

What are the symptoms of monkey flu?

After infection, it usually takes 5 to 21 days for the first symptoms to appear.

These symptoms include fever, headache, back or muscle pain, swollen lymph nodes, chills and fatigue.

And in this process, itching appears, usually starting on the face and then spreading to other parts of the body, especially the hands and soles.

The itching, often annoying and painful, changes and goes into different stages – like a chicken box – before a scab develops, it falls off.

The infection usually disappears after 14 to 21 days.

Monkey itching goes into various stages until skin lesions develop.

Vaccination is the best way to prevent outbreaks: The measles vaccine can prevent most monkeypox cases.

Antiviral medications may also help.

Usually, in mild cases, the infection goes away on its own.

Should I worry about monkey flu?

Experts United KingdomIf there were a few dozen confirmed cases, they say there is currently no risk of a national epidemic.

“It is important to emphasize that smallpox does not spread easily and that the risk to the population in general is minimal,” said Nick Finn, deputy director of the National Infectious Diseases Service for the Department of Public Health in the United States. United Kingdom.

Jonathan Paul, Professor of Molecular Virology at the University of Nottingham United KingdomOf the 50 people who came in contact with the first infected patient in the country, only one recalled having symptoms.

This, according to the ball, shows how the virus is not good enough to spread.

However, experts insist that victims should isolate themselves so as not to run the risk of spreading the disease.

What does the virus do to progress at this stage?

The monkey box virus is in the same family as the common measles, but is less severe and widespread, so the chances of infection in large populations are considered low.

The virus was first detected in captive monkeys in the 1970s, with occasional outbreaks in Central and West African countries.

There has already been an outbreak in the United States in 2003 – the first time the virus was seen outside of Africa – with 81 reported cases, but no deaths.

The biggest explosion occurred in Nigeria in 2017: there were 172 suspected cases.

Currently, the cause of the spread of monkey pox in Europe, North America and Australia is unclear.

Chances are, the virus has changed in some way, but so far there is no evidence that a new variant is in circulation.

Hans Glck, WHO’s regional director for Europe, said he was concerned about the potential for the virus to spread as there were more parties and gatherings on the continent during the summer months.

Peter Horby, director of the Institute of Epidemiological Sciences at the University of Oxford, told BBC Radio 4, “An extraordinary situation is going on where the virus was introduced (from abroad) but is now spreading to certain communities.”

The key message, Harpie added, is that people with symptoms “need to get help, get a diagnosis, and then isolate themselves.”

Stress in health systems

One concern of some experts is that apricots are already putting extra pressure on health care systems and clinics within their range of care capabilities, which could temporarily exclude health workers from their activities.

At United KingdomClinics that treated patients had to isolate their health professionals, leaving them unattended.

In London, most of the 20 monkey box cases have been identified United Kingdom So far, sexual health clinics have stopped serving visitors.

The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV said it was concerned about the impact it could have on the treatment of other sexually transmitted infections.

Dr Claire Dusnab, president of the British Sexual Health Association, said staff at sexual health clinics were already “under significant pressure” and that the monkey box was making the situation worse.

“It (the disease) is already very demanding on staff, and groups have a great impact on isolating themselves when interacting with victims,” ​​Dusnab says.

“I’m concerned about the potential impact of this on access (quantities) for sexual health in general.”

In London, clinics ask patients to call in advance and report symptoms before the appointment.

Thus, patients with suspected monkeypox may be placed in waiting rooms or care facilities that are separate from other patients.

In Brazil, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation announced the creation of a technology room to monitor virus exposure.