March 14, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Hunter confuses 4m crocodile with tree trunk and loses his toes – Glamor Magazine

Hunter confuses 4m crocodile with tree trunk and loses his toes – Glamor Magazine

A man mistook the crocodile for a tree stump while chasing geese in the Northern Territory, located in Australia.

A fisherman confuses a 4m crocodile with a tree trunk and loses his toes (Photo: clone)

A fisherman confuses a 4m crocodile with a tree trunk and loses his toes (Photo: clone)

without realizing the danger, Leroy Daly 28, stepped on the animal, and ended up biting his foot and biting two fingers.

According to the local site 9 newsHe was hunting geese with his friends between the Dali and Adalaide rivers when he trampled on reptiles that were lurking in the shallow waters.

“I’ve grown up in the Daly River most of my life, swimming with alligators, but I’ve never been bitten,” he said. “I thought it might be a stump or something – but then I could feel his sharp teeth. You should have seen the size. He was gigantic, over four meters tall.”

The Australian said that as soon as he stepped on the crocodile, the animal moved quickly and bit his foot, before returning to the water.

“It happened so fast, it was like a flash. I screamed at everyone to get out of the water. The last thing I remember was lying on the bank. I remember trying to drag myself backwards.”

A fisherman confuses a 4m crocodile with a tree trunk and loses his toes (Photo: clone)

A fisherman confuses a 4m crocodile with a tree trunk and loses his toes (Photo: clone)

Dali’s friends, who managed to get his foot out of the animal’s mouth, helped him get out of the water and take him to the hospital. Now he has post-amputation treatment.

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