March 15, 2025

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Ifix follows the market and closes down 0.53%

Ifix follows the market and closes down 0.53%

IFIX today

In this Monday session (2), IFIX – An index that collects the most traded real estate funds on the stock exchange – closed in the negative field. Time 17:26, pointer recorded a decrease of 0.53%, at 2,798 points. In the previous session, the indicator was And closed up 0.19% at 2,813 points.

Brazilian Cemetery Trust and Death Care (11 . care), which is the first cemetery section of the stock exchange, which issues the highest increases of the day, with an increase of 10.21%.

Check out the day’s highlights along the FIIs Center:

Monday’s Highs (2)

ribbon Noun section Variance (%)
11 . care Brazilian Cemetery and Death Care funeral 10.21%
XPCI11 XP Mortgage CR 1.75%
ARCT11 Risa Arctium Real Estate Company diverse 1.45%
VCJR11 Vectis real benefit CR 1.15%

The biggest victims of this Monday (2):

ribbon Noun section Variance (%)
RBRP11 RBR . properties diverse -4.40%
RBFF11 Rio Bravo REIF -3.19%
SNFF11 Suno Chest of Funds CRI FII -3.07%
TGAR11 Actual assets Tg diverse -2.95%
RBRF11 RBR Alpha Multistrategy REIF -2.83%

Source: B3

The new IFIX wallet

The new configuration of IFIX The index of the most traded real estate funds in the stock market – entered into force on Monday (2). The theoretical portfolio, which now includes 106 FIIs, will be valid for the next four months.

According to B3, four funds left the wallet: Brazil Realty (BZLI11), Tellus properties (TEPP11), general shopping (Figures 11and XP Corporate MacaéXPCM11), which has accumulated devaluations of nearly 60% in the past 12 months.




Dividend yield – 12 million (%)

Yield 12m (%)

Return – 2022 (%)


Realty Brazil


0 10.89 -0.88


Tellus . Characteristics

corporate panels

6.84 -5.48 -3.2

Figures 11

general shopping

shopping centers

5.79 -8.91 -8.14


XP Corporation Macae

corporate panels

6.48 -56.27 -20.03

Source: Economatica – 04/28/2022

The XP Corporate Macaé portfolio consists of one property that was vacated in December 2020 and since then the fund has been 100% vacant.

At the end of last year, The Corporate, located on Avenida Prefeito Aristeu Ferreira da Silva, in Bairro Novo Cavaleiros, Municipality of Macaé (RJ), was revalued and devalued by 20%.

“As much as the assets in Macaé have some technical quality, the region in which they are located is going through a very difficult period,” noted a report by Itaú BBA and signed by Larissa Nabu, an analyst at the institution. The document, released in January, concludes that “having a high-quality, well-located portfolio and with top tenants helps generate value over time.”

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In addition to the exit of the four funds, Ifix’s new theoretical portfolio introduces six new funds: BTG Pactual Terras Agrícolas (BTRA11), the sanctuary of Faria Lima (FCFL11), Mauá Capital Hedge Fund (CHF 11), Suno receivables (SNCI11), Atrium Reit receivable (ARRI11) and Brazilian cemeteries and death care (11 . care), which accumulated in 2022 at a high rate of 37.91%.




Dividend yield – 12 million (%)

Yield 12m (%)

Return – 2022 (%)

(11 . care) Brazilian Cemetery and Death Care Cemetery 1.64 1.10 37.91
(FCFL11) Faraya Lima Campus Aharon 16.95 8.15 14.55
(ARRI11) accounts receivable * marketable securities 9.96 14.13 7.51
(SNCI11) slander Sono* marketable securities 8.19 0.88 6.40
(BTRA11) BTG Pactual Terras Agrícolas * agricultural 6.64 3.04 5.82
(CHF 11) Mawa Capital HF * marketable securities 9.71 -8.35 4.47

Source: Economatica – 04/28/2022 and Statusinvest

Funds that have been in operation no more than 12 months – the data takes into account current historical data Zion Invest, director of the Brazilian cemetery, classifies the wallet as

The first real estate fund focused on strengthening the sector of cemeteries, burial sites and funeral services.

According to the company, the fund currently owns a stake in three projects with a total net worth of R$283 million.

In its portfolio, the fund owns 20% of Grupo Cortel, a cemetery and crematorium property, which sells the right to use temporary and permanent cemeteries, cremations, funeral services, funerals and animal cremation plans.

Brazil Graveyard also owns 52.77% of VHR Empreendimentos, which is responsible for the cemetery located in the city of Sabará, Belo Horizonte (MG) metropolitan region.

The portfolio also contains 2,873 deposits in the Morumbi Cemetery, in the upscale Morumbi neighborhood, in São Paulo (SP).

Within 12 months, the fund’s shares have increased 45%, according to data from financial information platform Economica. In 2022 alone, the gains totaled 40%.Also according to the new configuration of Ifix, the fund with the largest weight in the index is Kinea Indices Pricing (KNIP11) with a share of 6.69%. Next, CSHG Logística (HGLG11), real estate income in Kenya (KNCR11), iridium receivables (IRDM11) and Kinea Renda Imobiliária (KNRI11


B3 regularly publishes three previews of new compositions of indicators: the first preview, in the first trading session for the last month of the validity of the current portfolio; The second preview, in the trading session following the fifteenth day of the last month of the validity of the current portfolio; And the third, in the penultimate trading session of the current portfolio. Discover step by stepLive on income with FIIs and get your first rent in the account in the next few weeks without the need to own property, in aFree category


Sale of CSHG Renda Urbana and RBR Log properties; FII Hotel Maxinvest shareholders will continue without dividend Urban Income CSHG (HGRU11

) sells another shop rented by Casas Pernambucanas

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CSHG Renda Urbana Fund, on Friday (29), concluded the sale of a store in the city of Caçador, in Santa Catarina. The space is currently rented to Arthur Lundgren Tecidos, better known as Casas Pernambucanas.

According to a market statement, the fund received R$5.6 million for the property, an amount equivalent to R$5,400 per square metre. The amount is 40% higher than the fair value of the space.

The fund acquired the store in November 2020 and invested – taking into account purchase costs, transaction costs and improvements – just over R$4 million in the property, equivalent to R$3,800 per square metre.

According to the managers’ calculations, the transaction brought a profit of approximately R$ 1.62 million, which is R$ 0.09 per share. just last week, The fund had already completed the sale of another leased store to Casas Pernambucanas.

At the time, the negotiated space was located in Lorena (SP).RBR record (RBRL11

) Negotiation of the sale of real estate in Itapevi (SP)

RBR Log is also negotiating the sale of a warehouse in Itapevi (SP) for R$44.5 million. The closing of the deal still depends on the fulfillment of the terms expected in the contract.

According to a fundamental fact revealed by the wallet, the transaction amount will be divided into five batches ranging from R$ 4.4 million to R$ 13.35 million.

RBR Log acquired the Itapive Shed in February 2020 and received an investment of RBR 36.9 million – taking into account acquisition costs and improvements made.

The directors calculate a minimum profit of R$9.2 million from the company, which represents a capital gain of approximately R$1.38 per share.

With a gross leasable area (GLA) of approximately 250,000 square metres, RBR Log had six properties in its portfolio as of last month.FII Maxinvest Hotel (HTMX11

It continues without dividends

Real estate fund Hotel Maxinvest announced Friday (29) that it will continue to pay any dividends to shareholders in May. The last payment was made in March 2020.

The decision was based on the difficulties and uncertainties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in the hotel sector and the fact that the fund did not earn cash income.

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In its April management report, the fund highlighted that it was still accumulating a loss equivalent to R$ 3.01 per share, adding results between March 2020 and December of last year.

FII Hotel Maxinvest’s portfolio currently includes 455 hotel units spread across different areas of São Paulo (SP). As of February 2022, the occupancy rate is 47%. The fund currently has 22,993 shareholders.

April Real Estate Giro: The 5 Biggest Highs and Lows in Real Estate Funds Last Month; SARE11 leads gains, while HTR11 declines The ifix– Index of real estate funds most traded in the stock exchange – Revised, in April, for the second consecutive month of increase, which has not occurred since February 2021. However, the highlight of the month was the hectare (HCTR11 ), who denied the existence of an alleged conflict of interest in the fund’s operations, but could not avoid the 8.12% decline, the largest during the month.The highlight of the ascent was Santander Renda com Alogese (SARE11

), with an estimate of 10.26%.Maxi Income (MXRF11

) rose 8.74% and recouped a portion of the losses accumulated since the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) questioned the fund’s dividend distribution. Although it is still awaiting the final position on the autonomy, the portfolio was the highlight of the increase in April. After rising 1.42% in March,Ifix ended April with a gain of 1.19%

. Of the 104 FIIs that make up the index, 76 finished the month in the positive domain. Hybrid funds – which invest in both real estate and bonds – led the list of the biggest gains in the period, with an average increase of 2.05%. The shopping mall sector, which topped the list in March, saw a slight increase of 0.13% this month. Plot
Change in April (%) hybrid
2.05 TVM
0.88 corporate panels
0.75 logistics
0.50 agencies
0.13 shopping centers
0.13 Aharon


Source: InfoMoney – (28/04/2022) The repercussions of the hectare issue also affected the performance of the funds considered high yield

– At greater risk – taking the most profitable part of the month from “paper” FIIs, as in recent years.

Discover step by stepLive on income with FIIs and get your first rent in the account in the next few weeks without the need to own property, in aFree category
