March 6, 2025

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In the Pantanal, Jove’s craving hurts more than Jove’s snakebite: ‘Love’ TV news

In the Pantanal, Jove’s craving hurts more than Jove’s snakebite: ‘Love’ TV news

Friday (Alanis Guillen) will capture the heart of Jove (Jesuita Barbosa) like viola costumes in wet ground. The boy, rejected by the Jaguar Woman, will discover that the pain in the elbow is more severe than the venom of a pit viper. “Wear that other who speaks of love,” he will ask, as he drowns his sorrows in a guitar circuit with a tiberio (ghetto) at the Globo nine in the morning opera.

The photographer will be bitten by a frog’s mouth snake He will be saved by Velho do Rio (Osmar Prado), who will leave him in the care of a daughter Maria Maro (Juliana Pais). However, she will go into a state of collapse when she realizes that she loves this young man.

hollow He will still open his heart to Guito Backstage, which will be shown on Friday (22 .).). “What if I told you that this short time here makes more sense to me than my whole life?” , will shoot.

The pawn, which was holed up in the Maroua taper to watch over the heir Jose Leoncio (Marcos Palmera), he will also deal with the pains and blisss of love. He will have fallen in love with Moda (Bella Campos) And he’ll pull the guitar to try to explain better how he feels.

full of love, Jesuit Barbossa Only Cowboys would be required to play guitar who suffered the most. “Put the other one talking about love,” he’ll adjust.

On the other hand, Juma will not want to be charmed from the outside in Bruno Luberi series. She will fight her feelings, see her nephew, sister Camila Morgado is fully recovered, and she’ll make him escape.

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Tomorrow I want you Get out of here, Gioventino.” The role of the protagonist is Alanis Gillin.

Learn all about the next chapters of the series with the Noveleiros podcast

Listen to “#97 – Jove Disappears and Faces Death” on loudspeaker.

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